Irritable bowel syndrome


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
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Well hello ladies, hope everyones alright...

I know 'wonderful' topic, but I was wondering if anyone else had I.B.S?
I first noticed it just before getting pregnant with Zack, it wasnt very bad and didnt really notice it to be honest. Just thought I got the runs sometimes :oops:

Anyway just before getting pregnant this time around it started to get worse. The pains in my stomach were getting worse each week and I was on the floor most days in serious pain. So OH and I went to the doctors, where the doctor did a poo sample (loverly) at first they thought it might be crohn's disease and wanted to put a camera up my bum... noway where they doing this, so after more tests they said it was I.B.S. It has got better but it comes back sometimes full force, and being pregnant I cant take anything for it. I just wait till it goes away.

So this may sound a bit horrible but, when I was in labour with zack I was so scared that I was pooing, kept asking my mum if I was. But most women feel this I am told.

But now my I.B.S is stronger and im having to go to the toilet even more. Im really worried about when I go into labour. Im worried the contractions may set it off and make me want to poo while giving birth.
OH wants me to talk to the midwife about it, but to be honest I cant stand her and whatever I say to her seems to go in one ear and out the other.

Has anyone else got I.B.S?
If so have you been through labour with it?
hi hun i too have I.B.S its not fun to be honest. I was diagnosed with ibs when i was 12 :oops: When i was pg with adele and went into labour i thought i was pooping but the said because all the pressure comes from that end it just feels like it.

When i was PG and in labour with Colby i kept asking to go to the toilet but nothing was happening and when it came to pushing i started crying andall i remeber saying to the MW was 'im so sorry ive shit your bed :oops: ' OH laughed and said i hadnt it was colbys head that was comming out but i was convinced i was pooping.

Dont worry yourself hun about it, it is natural to poop while pushing as thast where your pushing from so dont get embarraced if you do.

Take care hun (p.s i have to drink fibogel every day and its horrible so hope u dont get it once your LO in born)
I have IBS, I had it terribly before I had Damien. I was diagnosed with it when I was about 14. Mine actually improved when pregnant and I was able to eat bread/gluten again.

Are you on a gluten free diet? As for pooing in labour, I had a massive attack of IBS (only the 2nd one I'd had in my pregnancy, used to be a weekly thing) and I think I pooped my whol entier stomach contents out :oops: But then some women do get a big cear out before.

Don't worry though, midwives see it alot :D
Hi violet-glow,

I have IDB, which is similar to IBS. I have Ulcerative Colitis, which is nasty!! It was being controlled with meds but once i got pregnant everything went haywire, i have read that it has something to do with the increased levels of progesterone. I see a specialist who keeps me in check, do you have a Consultant Gastroenterologist? At the moment i am taking steroid medication which controls flare ups brilliantly, i was worried about taking medication during pregnancy but my Consultant has assured me that they are safe during the 2nd and 3rd trimester. Most of the medications used to treat bowel diseases do not cross the placenta apparently. I found that talking with other people who had the disease really helped, i use a forum called Crohn Zone, i did a google search and found the following, not sure if it will help or not:

I also have a friend with IBS and she saw a dietician who told her to cut down on fibre and citrus fruits etc. You could ask your GP for a referral.

I know it's horrible and embarrassing, I had the camera joby and it wasn't that bad, they knocked me out so i wasn't really aware anyway. If anything changes, like blood or mucus in your motions then go back to your GP asap.

I hope you feel better soon xx
sami have you ever been tested for coliac disease? just normaly if your ibs is effected with gluten its related to coleiac. I was tested just after i found out i was OG with Colby but it came back neg
No idea hun but I know bread, etc, didn't help. I don't think I was tested, but bread makes my stomach knot up and start off IBS. I'm not able to eat so much of it again, although I can eat 1 or 2 slices of bread a day
ask your gp to test you for it hun because if you do have coliac disease you will get special bread on prescription as it costs about £9 from the chineese herbal shops. They just take one blood sample but it takes 3 weeks to get the results back
Thanks for all your replys, its made me feel so much better. I know I.B.S is getting more and more common and that I shouldnt be embarassed about it, but its not very nice having to explain to someone is it :oops:

OH thinks im worrying over nothing and if I poo during labour not to worry. Yeah right would like to see the look on his face if I do lol Id never live that down.

I'll make an appointment with the doctor I think, see if they do giant corks on prescription lol

Will have a chat to the OH when he gets in from work and see what he thinks.

Thanks again for replys :D
Well me being me totaly forgot to talk to OH about my dodgy tummy.
So I rang him this morning in work, hes normaly playing about in the warehouse and basicly not doing much work, so I thought id give him a call.

Phone convo....

OH: hello
Me: Hiya, got time to talk?
OH: Yeah go for it. You wanting me to pick up some junk food again after work?
Me: You know me to well, but no. Wanted to talk to you about me pooing when I go into labour. A few of the girls on the forum have I.B.S aswell. Do you think I should go to the doctors and have a chat to him, say that im worried about pooing myself during labour.
OH: Im just going to take you off speaker phone.

omg could have died there and then! Oh was only in the bloody staff room with everyone else having a bite to eat before the store opened.

Not going to type the rest of the convo, to many swear words passed my lips lol
LMFAO :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: you must see the funny side now hun after your :oops: face went bk to
he works in morrisons... I go shopping there, god knows how im going to show my face in there now lol

im such an idiot lol
well you werent to know he had you on speaker fone
Just make a joke out of it if anyone says anything :lol:
I made the mistake once of going into a 'interesting' convo with DF at work once before he told me I was on speaker phone, his boss always gives a wink and a giggle when I see him now :oops: I always ask now!! :shock:

What was the rest of the convo violet? :moon:
the rest of the convo... lol

Me: Why the bloody hell didnt you f***ing tell me I was on f***ing speaker phone. You never put s***ing bloody speaker phone on and why did you put it on in the middle of a packed f***ing canteen!! Your such a f***ing idiot sometimes. Now everyone knows im going to poo myself.
OH: (laughs) Finished now? Do you feel better?
Me: No, im going to hurt you when you get home! (said in a playful way)
OH: Im sorry I didnt realise you were going to talk about that, I dont have much time to eat my food and thought you were just going to ask for sweet or food bringing home after work.
Me: I hate you! and im not going to talk to you ever again (not said nasty)
OH: ill speak to you later.... love you... bye babes
Me: bye (i was in a huff)

I put the phone down and rang my mum straight away to tell her what I did. lol ...she couldnt stop laughing, the cow shes meant to be supportive lol

I can see the funny side now, but im still going nowhere near morrisons for a good few months lol

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