Irregular periods and trying to conceive


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2011
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I'm new to the forum but I'm hoping for some advice or comfort to know I am not alone.

I came off the pill last October, I didn't have any periods but fell pregnant by December. I then miscarried at 8 weeks and bled for 2weeks. After it finally stopped I got a period 7 weeks later at the end of march which lasted another 2weeks. I went to my GP in July as I hadn't had a period for over 3months, they put me on some hormone tablets which created a bleed & then had some blood tests. Blood tests were all clear & nothing showed that anything abnormal was happening. I then had a scan to check for PCOS but got the all clear.
6 weeks ago I finally got my period but I've not had another.

I've been taking my basal temperature for 2months now as I found ovulation tests too stressful & expensive but it's not showing that I am ovulating.

Getting very stressed & upset as I dont understand why I'm not having periods & I'm TTC. I'm going to try vitamins & Angus castus as I hear they can help regulate cycles, I just wondered if anyone else has experienced anything similar or if anyone has any advice?

Sorry for my essay & thank you for taking the time to read it.

Pretty much in the same boat as you hun.
My last period was june, gp said bloods are normal and this morning i had a little spotting, but its stopped.
I know it gets frustrating but you just have to keep trying.
Are you stressed at all? stress is the main factor for irregular cycles.
Hope you get it sorted out.

Hi amber, I am in kind of the same boat as you as I have not ovulated since my mc in Feb. I spotted every two weeks after the mc then stopped at all since June. I have had tests, lap and dye done and all is ok apart from the not ovulating. Im now under fertility treatment called provera to induce a bleed and then clomid to make me ovulate.

Im sure you will be ok but I thought Id write to let you know you aren't alone. After a mc the fertility dr said your body can cope in some strange ways. The waiting is so frustrating though.

Opks I do find are good to check if your ovulating. You can get really cheap one step ones from ebay. I wish you all the luck! Ive got a journal if u fancy reading any more about me.

Babydust to you! Xxx
Thank you for taking the time to read my thread & reply.

I do not feel stressed but I am worrying about not having periods so I suppose that's the same thing. I know I need to stop worrying as that isn't helping, but that's easier said than done.

I'm going to try and relax until Xmas then go to my GP if I'm still in the same boat.


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