Iron tablets....tmi here


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2007
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Sorry TMI here but I got put on 3 a day iron tabs yesterday and my poo is already black! Is this normal?
im on them to, its normal, ive been told to expect constipation too... ahhh the joys
Yip hun that is normal, id advise to drink plenty of water through the day and try a glass of orange juice a day too to help with constipation as that will probably come soon too. :hug:
sorry to say yes :? or even dark greenish lol :puke: :oops: i've been on pregaday for about 3 months after a really low blood count. just make sure you're taking on plenty fluid, fruit and veg and fibre to make sure they don't bung you up! Last thing you need to add to the list of discomfort is piles!
I'm on them too, had black poo pretty much straight away, but haven't had any constipation with them - thank goodness!
constipation aw plz no im bad enuff as it is. i have to start iron too just found out im anemic :oops:
mummy_ov_2 said:
im on them to, its normal, I've been told to expect constipation too... ahhh the joys

I've been told that too! Saw my Midwife this morning and she told me the 28wk bloods I had done shows I'm anaemic (sp) so prescribed me Iron tablets, picked them up from the chemist straight after and I've only taken two so far, so no side effects as of yet but she did warn me my poo would be black :lol: and they would also make me constipated... but she also said they could have the opposite effect and give me the 'runs' (as she put it!)... great! :lol:
im on these too,i havent had any bad side effects as yet but ive opnly been taking them two days
Well Im not constipated so far, poo is still black/dark dark green ewww but I get really uncomfortable before I 'go', i dont like the sensation

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