Intruding for a minute please - Scan question?


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2008
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Hi ladies, hope you don't mind me asking in here but you've obviously already had your first scans xx

Got my appointment date through yesterday and it's not until the 17th May - I'll be 14 weeks. I couple of the ladies in Tri1 have said this seems late, especially with regards to the nuchal scan etc. Has anybody else had there scan later on or is this something I should query? Thanks for your help xx
I had my '12' week one at 13 weeks but that's cos I was actually a week ahead and didn't know. I've heard of ladies getting it a bit later on so not to worry, maybe your hospital is just really really busy but it is worth asking them why. Also i didnt have the nuchal check at mine as its not something my hospital does unless u have factors putting you at risk xxxx
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I had exactly the same problem, see if you can move it forward. I kept telling them I think it's too late as I had calculated my own due date. I turned out to be just one day off which my midwife says is really good. They scanned me at 14 weeks and 2 days, and I was 86mm anything over 84mm and they can't do the nunchal test they have to do the quads, I've had the quads done at 18 weeks (these can only be done up to 20 weeks) and I am still waiting to find out if I am high risk because the midwife is very difficult to contact.
My hospital says they can do it up to 14 weeks, I was worried too as I knew at 13+2 I was over the 12 week point. Maybe worthwhile asking them? Phone the department direct, my midwife is hard to track down too! I'm still waiting on my results. Eeeek xx
I was 13 weeks when I was scanned and baby was moving so much I had to come back a second time. At the second appointment I was lucky to get a measurement (again baby was such a wriggler) but she did say that if they couldn't get a measurement I would have to wait till the 20 week scan! I would call up and say that you want the nuchal measurement and see if they can bring it forward even a couple of days x
Thanks so much for your replies. I'll give them a ring in the morning and see what they say. I hope your not waiting too much longer for your results xx
They said they would phone within a week if there was a problem, fx no news is good news! Xx
can you phoen the maternity ward do they have all the midwives paperwork because I know when you see her she eventually just tells you to put it with your bundle of stuff? If that is the case I'll phone the centre, she can be reached once a week :p
I think it would be ok, as I understood it was between 12-14 weeks, and your date might change when to go! Might mean they are very busy :) x
Got back my quad blood tests, 1:38800 chance of baby with down syndrome, really good result, very low risk YAY
Got back my quad blood tests, 1:38800 chance of baby with down syndrome, really good result, very low risk YAY

Thats fantastic news well done you xx

As for my appointment, i tried all day to sort it out. The midwife wasn't in the 4 times I called and the appointments department was either constantly engaged, rang out and when I finally did get through, it was an automated message telling me the department was closed :wall2: I'll try again tomorrow lol xx
Oh dear, Well I really hope you get there. I agree with the little guy and the brick wall hehehe. My 20 week scan is MAy 1st I wouldn't think about changing it but then again the 20 week one is actually at 20 weeks and not later. I'll be finding out the gender then so fingers crossed.
I wouldnt want to wait, purely cause 2 weeks feels like a lifetime in that stage of pregnancy. I had mine at 12+6 and they couldnt get measurements as baby wouldnt stay still. i had to get bloods taken by my widwife at 16weeks, which I thought was late as it would have been too late for an amnio had I wanted to have one.
thankfully all my results came back the other day as being low risk. But if they were high risk i would not have been able to have an amnio or CSV anyway.........
finally managed to get through this afternoon. They moved my appointment to the Monday (14th) so I'll be 13+4wks. Thanks again for all your replies xx
I was 13 weeks + 2 but the sonographer did say if i was later than 13 + 4 she prob couldnt get the right measurements. I would ring up your assessment unit and ask them see what they recommend


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