Introductions thread?

Hello everyone I'm Rachael 26 student nurse at leeds, will be moving to Manchester to live with my boyfriend. Originally from the midlands but I'm a northern girl now :)

First time pregnant, roughly 12 weeks pregnant although dates changed on my first ultrasound scan yesterday. Baby appeared to look around 10 weeks so going back for another early October. But due April non the less!

Lovely to hear all your baby news too, congratulations everyone, lovely to meet (speak) to you all Xx
Hi, I'm Emma and I'm 33 (just) I live near hull and I'm pregnant with my 5th baby. I currently have 4 boys so would love s pink bump this time x
I'm christy, 28 from Manchester and 9 weeks pregnant with my second and definitely last baby!

I was on the boards last time under a different name, my little girl amelie is now 2 1/2 and I had an awful pregnancy and pnd last time round so feeling very anxious about this one!

Hope everyone is okay, I feel soooooo sick, blerg!

Nice to meet you all 😊
Hi all, lovely to read about everyone & good to meet you all.
I'm Ellie, I have a 3 year old son. My husband & I are both teachers & last year we moved abroad to teach, so we're currently living in Vietnam & our baby will be born here.
I was on this forum with my first pregnancy when I was living in London & I really enjoyed it so I'm back!
Wishing everyone a happy & healthy pregnancy! X
I'm Victoria, 32, from Northamptonshire. 10 weeks 3 days pregnant with our second child. We have a 7yr son too. So excited and happy. Looking forward to our scan.
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