Hello ladies,
I am 7 weeks pregnant and a few days ago I started experiencing vaginal itching and irritation. As a result I went to the clinic and the doctor (who was a GP, not even gynecologist!) offered to check the condition of my vagina by an internal examination. I was afraid to do it and asked if it was for sure safe, which she
I am 7 weeks pregnant and a few days ago I started experiencing vaginal itching and irritation. As a result I went to the clinic and the doctor (who was a GP, not even gynecologist!) offered to check the condition of my vagina by an internal examination. I was afraid to do it and asked if it was for sure safe, which she
said it was. She inserted a plastic tool which looked like a spoon inside me. At one point it really hurt while she was manipulating there! I am very scared now that something could have been done to potentially hurt my baby or pregnancy. I wish I refused to have this procedure done... What do you think ladies about this? Have you had internal examinations in early pregnancy? What could be the risks?