Interesting Facts about Non Alcoholic Beer


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2008
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I realised we had some non alcoholic beer in the fridge and fancied a went off to do some research on whether or not its safe to drink in pregnancy, here is what I found:

Pregnancy and non-alcoholic beer
In spite of it’s alcohol content of up to 0.5% vol. — an amount which can occur naturally even in fruit juices — non-alcoholic beers have no alcoholic effect on the body. In fact, all carbohydrate-containing foods form small amounts of alcohol in your stomach.

Because of the diluting effect of the relatively high water content of non-alcoholic beers, their concentration of particles (such as minerals and trace elements) corresponds roughly to that of human blood. Therefore, these particles are taken up much faster by the body than is the case with other beverages. This makes non-alcoholic beers ideal electrolytes and mineral-rich, regenerative beverages especially after strenuous activities such as a work-out or mowing a lawn on a hot day.

For women who are pregnant or breast-feeding, non-alcoholic beers are a completely harmless alternative to alcoholic beverages. According to Professor Anton Piendl, they are even downright beneficial, because they are rich in potassium, but low to very low in calories and sodium, as well as fat- and cholesterol-free. In addition, they can promote the formation of prolactin, a hormone of the pituitary gland that stimulates the production of milk during breast-feeding. Finally, the bitter substances from the hops in non-alcoholic beer have a soothing effect.

If you need to have a drink of wine or beer, make it ALCOHOL FREE.
Yay Im going to go buy some now and know its doing me and babs good!!
cheers for that info hun! I love little interesting snippets like that! And its not something that I would have thought of googling myself! I have been really fancying a lager and lime so now might get some non-alcoholic stuff :cheer:
I first was not really convinced by the idea of non-alcoholic beer, as all the brands I knew when I lived in Germany were awful.

But now I've discovered that non-alcoholic Becks actually tastes better than the alcoholic one. I stay clear of non-alcohol cobra though because that's way too sweet. It's still weird to drink and not to get at least tipsy. I must admit that I do look forward to my first proper drink after pregnancy (not getting lashed, but basically not having to worry about the sprog)

If anyone knows of a tasty non-alcoholic real ale, please let me know, the market seems to concentrate on lager and wheat beer and I so would like a bitter.
Thanks for that information - it is really interesting!

I had non alcoholic Becks with my first pregnancy and enjoyed it better than the real alcoholic stuff...I think I will go and buy some next time I do a big shop! I love the feeling of being tipsy - that's my problem!!

Went to a wedding all day yesterday and had 2 glasses of champagne - hope this is okay (my first in months!!!)

I am also really looking forward to having a drink after this pregnancy...I already have a little stock in my kitchen itching to be opened! Only 13 weeks to go now...not long!!

Love and Becks,

Julia xx
Non alcoholic Becks tastes just like the real thing :cheer:

DO NOT, for the sake of your taste buds, try Kaliber :puke:
Another nice non alcoholic beer I have found is Bavaria Beer (it is in a reddish can whereas normal stuff is in a green one), I have found this to be the best tasting alcohol free beer so far. I have only found in it in Morrisons so far and at the mo is on special offer so you get 8 cans for 2 quid which I think is a bit of a bargain :D
I am looking forward to the day when I can have have an icy cold bottle of Budweiser or Coors though :)
I wish someone would invent non-alcoholic red wine, I has couple sips of OH's (unfotunately fully alcoholic) last night and it was soooooooooooooo nice.

I'm off to buy some non alcoholic beer though after reading that!

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