

Well-Known Member
May 28, 2005
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Zara's got her 3rd lot of injections at 3pm. I'm dreading it. The first time I was ok because I didn't know what to expect and she only cried a little bit. The second time was awful and she screamed for ages. This time I feel like a traitor. She's rolling round on the floor happily with no idea what's about to happen to her.

I'm hoping that because she's recently had a virus they'll put it off. God I'm a wimp.
Ella had her 3rd set last week, I was quite surprised because she didnt even make a sound when the first injection went in, then had a little whinge for the second one, then started smiling! I think its becuase her legs are so chubby now she didnt feel it lol.
Whereas she screamed with the first 2 sets. Hope they go ok, just think last set for ages :)
oh poor little Zara!!!

how did it go?

It's a shame I see this too late, I would have told you to bring her dummy ( the big one :wink: ) or something to drink! Maheen hated the first time, was great the 2nd, and cried a little bit the 3rd time, abut I got the dummy ready and put it in her mouth straight after the 2nd injection! worked well!

Hope she was ok...and you, Louise! :lol:

Mel xx

It was a flippin nightmare. The injections weren't too bad - she screamed - but then a couple of hours ago she got a temperature and started screaming hysterically. I couldn't do anything to stop it. She ended up being violently sick and almost stopped breathing. Then she fell asleep really suddenly and her breathing was really slow and gasping. I was so close to calling an ambulance but I managed to wake her up and she started screaming again. She's finally fallen asleep and her breathing is fine. I'm having her in my bed tonight.
That was really, really awful especially as I'm on my own this evening.
Oh poor you both!!!! that must have been really scary! :cry:

Have you tried to give her Calpol? Maheen had a bit of temperature as well, and we tried to giver it t her but she just spat it all out! :doh:

I'd say if you get worried again, then, just call an ambulance...At least, it will put your mind at rest, she will be in good hands!

good luck with tonight, then!...are you watching Football and the French team??? I don't know why,..I am sure they are going to lose! :wall:

Mel xx

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