Initials JCB?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2014
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Is it a complete no no?
Our little boy is calle Joseph and last name begins with a B but we love Charlie as a mddle name I just wonder if it would be cruel for him to be JCB?

Honest opinions please :)
I personally think it is lovely xx
I probably wouldn't notice it tbh, a kid at school is bound to at some point but I don't think your baby wound be alone in having "well known" initials.

The Americans, for whatever reason, do their initials first name - last name - middle name. My cousin's baby's initials should be JAM which again could cause a 9yo a giggle in the playground for a day but since they live in the USA it's JMA x
I very much doubt anyone will really notice. My initials are GIRL but no one has ever just come to realise that themselves, middle names are so seldom brought up anyway :)
I wouldn't worry. My ds's initials are SOB and someone did joke once that it was just as well his surname didn't start with a 'D' :D
I think JCB is actually very cute for a little boy xx
My kids are KMM & IJM, and I don't think I have ever used them for anything. Nothing at school has been mentioned. There are a few obvious ones I wouldn't use - BJ being top of the list lol - but in all honesty I really don't think it matters!
I'd imagine a little boy would love those initials lol! I don't think it's cruel at all x
I thing JCB is fine. I'd be more concerned if it was GAY, LEZ, VAG, PNS, WEE etc. There's sooooooooooooooooooo many worse initials than JCB.
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I think JCB is fine - if you type most combinations of letters in on Google they represent some random company. My dad's initials are SAD :lol:
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Wouldn't even notice. There are definitely a lot worse! Go for it! xx

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