infant gaviscon (reflux?????)


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
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Hi there :wave:

I took Tia to the doctors today as a last resort because she seems to be bringing back loads of her feed in bits and pieces between each one. She is taking anything between 6 and 8 ozs 5 times a day so is feeding really well and gaining weight shes 14 weeks and was 12lb 8oz last week. Her first bottle at 6 she drains and then goes back to sleep with no problems and her last one at 7 she goes down at 7:30 with no problems.
The doctor today said she has mild reflux because of the amounts she brings back over the course of the day (21 bibs the other week :wall:
4 or 5 tops in 10 minutes one time last week :evil: )

She has today been prescribed the infant gaviscon sachets, 1 dose in each of her daytime bottles to see if it helps. Have any of you ladies had babies that have been on this and did it really make any difference?

If it was reflux then wouldnt she be sick with the other bottles too?

Did any of your babies have any side effects with it like wind,nappies etc?

Any information would be gratefully received

many thanks, kaye,ben,lee and baby tia.xxxx
not too sure hunny, but give her a big hug from me.... :hug:

im missing our lil chats on msn, motherhood is hectic :wall: i will try adn get on soon!! xx
Hi hun sorry to hear your little one has reflux. Rowan also has reflux and was pretty much doing the same as Tia, strangely enough he would also be ok at night feeds but as time went on he got worse and worse, ended up losing weight etc. We've found gaviscon a total godsend, he has 2 sachets in every 8oz bottle and has no problems at all with his nappies etc, as far as I can see I dont think he's had any side effects at all. He does still have infacol with each feed but I've been told by the docs that babies with reflux are more inclined to have colic so they do tend to go hand in hand. We also give Rowan SMA Staydown which is fab, he still brings back a little but he will take a feed without bucking and screaming and is putting on weight at last. Hope you get on ok with the gaviscon and that Tia is better.
poor monkey!

i don't have advise, but wantedto offer hugs

:hug: :hug: :hug:
The funny thing is though she doesnt seem ill or anything, she lays and takes her feed without a single movement or murmur then tries to sit up and burp herself. She doesnt have colic, she did when she was a couple of weeks and had infacol, but not anymore. shes a really happy bunny in herself apart from when i have to keep changing her clothes cos of the sickiness. I really hope these sachets work cos the constant stripping her off and tons of washing has started to get me down a bit :cry:
Hi Kayzee,

Arianna had reflux and was on Gaviscon too. It really helped I used to just give it to her in every 2nd bottle as I found it did fill her tummy too much and made her poo a bit solid (sorry tmi)
kayzee said:
The funny thing is though she doesnt seem ill or anything, she lays and takes her feed without a single movement or murmur then tries to sit up and burp herself. She doesnt have colic, she did when she was a couple of weeks and had infacol, but not anymore. shes a really happy bunny in herself apart from when i have to keep changing her clothes cos of the sickiness. I really hope these sachets work cos the constant stripping her off and tons of washing has started to get me down a bit :cry:


sorry i keep missing you on msn today.

you ever need a chat, you have my number hunny! :hug: :hug:

Alice sends you a HUGE! cuddle!

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