induction questions??


Active Member
Nov 26, 2009
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im booked for induction on monday after seeing the consultant this morning im 3cm dailted he said when he checked but not really having any pains apart from the odd niggle!
few questions

he said theyll just bvreak my waters! so how long from having your waters broke till baby being born??

also will i be able to leave the same day as babys born if everything is fine with baby?

has any one who had a sweep then had blood traces in there urine the day after i am looseing my plug so consutant said not to worry at all

but i cant help it as im the boggest worrier:wall2: i make things worse than they need to be!
when I was induced I had the whole 9 yards because I wasnt favourable. There is no way of saying it will be X amount of time from the waters being broke to baby arriving. because they are being artificially broken it could be a while or your body might go 'AH!' and get going really well really quickly. When I was induced, my waters went on their own at 11pm and I had her at 4pm the following day. When my waters went spontaneously with #2 at 4am ish I had her at 9pm that evening but my contractions started quickly and the MW said the baby would be there by lunchtime.....wrong!

I wouldnt put too much on it TBH. I think it's great you wont need the gels etc but it's still anyone's guess how long it will be.

Good luck! :)
thanks fingers crossed mines quite quck i hate the hospital home birth next time for def! x
I don't know about induction as when i went for mine with number one i was found to be 2cm dilated at (9pm) so they left me to see how i got on and i ha babe at 4.30am. All babes are different but if you are already 3cm hopefully things will start moving on naturally - good luck x

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