Induction question


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2012
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Hi everyone. I'm getting induced 7th sept if I don't go before then but midwife said I'll need to go into hospital for this the day before at 8am. She said she'll explain why at my appointment next week if I haven't already went naturally but I'm now wondering about it - why do you get admitted a full day before the induction?! Does anyone have any idea? I so hope I don't get to that point!!! X

Also...everyone keeps telling me to try sex to get things going. Ive not felt like it for a while now but willing to give it a bash if it might help. Any opinions? X
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I think it's to go on the trace to make sure everything is ok in there. I don't think you'll be kept in but it might vary between trusts

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I was in hospital anyway before being induced but was moved to a private room the night before. Midwife said that way they had to do me first. May just be a sneaky way of making sure you don't get phoned and put back on the day xx
I was told to be at the hospital for 9am on the Friday morning. This was to have pessary inserted due to my cervix not being favourable. I was on the ward and the pessary inserted at 11am, it didn't do anything. I was given a 2nd pessary at 5pm after being told the 1st hadn't done anything. My hubby went home and I was getting mild cramps, so was sent for a bath at 11pm. I was cramping on and off during the night, but nothing more was happening. In the morning I was checked and at 8am another pessary inserted. The cramping really rammped up but when put on the monitor it showed it was just cramping and no contractions. My cervix was still thick and not dilating. I was assessed at 1pm on the Saturday as 3 is the maximum pessaries and it was mentioned about going home and coming back to try again in 24 hours. I burst out crying and a midwife from the labour ward came up and told me she would be able to break my waters and go ahead with the induction but I had to wait for a space on labour ward which ended up being 7pm on the Saturday night, that was when they started my induction as such. From the Friday morning had just been preparation of my cervix. Although I have heard of people going into labour with the pessaries alone.
Oh god. I need to get things going before that happens! X
I had one pessary and started cramping straight away. Labour was just over an hour xx
Thanks Mary, that sounds more like the labour I want lol x
Rainbow, I only had 1 pessary, it took 7 hours to work and he arrived within 3 hours of labour starting :)

I was induced with my first and it looks likely this second pregnancy is going the same way.

I went in early morning on a Friday, pessary inserted, it fell out, they put another in. Nothing got going. All Day Friday and the Saturday, nothing.

On the Sunday I had to wait for a labour room to become free and they got me started on the hormone drip. For me they came hard and fast and felt out of control, it was scary. My boy was getting stuck on the way out so I had to walk to theatre where I had a Spinal Block and he was born 9lb 10oz with forceps.

Spinal Block is AMAAAAAZING

Induction is UGLY - for me ;-)

The only thing you can be sure of with induction is its GOING TO HAPPEN and you might be really lucky that the pessary or 2 is all you need to get started.

ALl the horror is forgotten once baby arrives.

Heck I am doing it again.
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Yes, you are normally booked in a day before they expect you to have baby to start you off.

^^^ disagree - I wouldnt say induction was ugly. I think whichever delivers your baby in a safe method is just fine and labour, whether it be natural, inductions or C SECs are different for everyone.

I went in on 8th January at 2pm, got shown to my room the back of 3, put on trace and waited. First pessary was inserted at 4pm. Nothing happened.

Second pessary was inserted at 8pm. My contractions started about 10pm so I went for a shower and it kicked things off big time - after being checked I was 1cm and in agony. I had some pethadine and went for a good sleep.

I woke at 2.30 with pains quite bad, was put on trace for a wee bit, waters went then and was examined and was 4-5cm so took round to delivery. Arrived at delivery at 3.30am given G&A, classed at 10cm at 0418am - 9 minutes of pushing my boy was here, safe and sound at 0427. I didnt need spinal block or epidural because it all happened so fast and my body responded to my waters breaking so was contracting on my own. Even though I was having double contractions I didnt accept either of those pain releif methods.

I had a fabulous labour and birth, and Id do it all again in a heart beat. I loved being alone for the first part of my labour, I felt strong and empowered - from start of contractions to birth I was 6.5hours.

Every labour is different, I hope your induction is as good for you as it was for me. Good luck and dont stress!

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I agree with russellmuscle, my induction was intense and it's not an experience I want to repeat but I wouldn't say it was ugly. I think had someone said that to me before my induction I would have had a bit of a breakdown - I was already terrified and extremely worried and that would have sent me over the edge.

I'm all for giving your experience and opinion, but maybe in a less...extreme way?

I agree with russellmuscle, my induction was intense and it's not an experience I want to repeat but I wouldn't say it was ugly. I think had someone said that to me before my induction I would have had a bit of a breakdown - I was already terrified and extremely worried and that would have sent me over the edge.

I'm all for giving your experience and opinion, but maybe in a less...extreme way?

Exactly!! I think Id have proper shit myself if I read this before an induction.

I always try to share my story because I think sometimes other peoples experience some how frightens the life out of someone.

The fear of the unknown is what got me, I didn’t know what was going to happen. I just kept an open mind, and thankfully enjoyed my labour.

I would take induction over any labour, purely because it suited me. Everyone feels at ease in other situations. For me, being in a controlled safe environment in my own room, with MWs on hand I felt brilliant and safe. But I wouldn’t then say because I got stitches that having a Vaginal birth was ugly :lol: it comes part and parcel. Some of have a good delivery, some don’t and quite often its not due to the method unless there is a negligence there, because the NHS should make every vaginal birth, CSEC and induction as comfortable as possible, and if its not then usually its because of personal anxieties/medical complications etc.

Im definitely president of the Induction club, maybe I had a wee bit too much fun :lol:
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Ps; obviously going overdue i tried everything. Walking, ball bouncing, pineapple, sex, painting and cleaning, the xmas shop etc lol(jan baby) it did bugger all. I think he was hooked in there! :lol:


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