They are doing a growth scan on tues to see if baby still isnt growing properly and if he isnt or measuing small they are gunna induce! I'll be 37w by then so full term so they cant see a problem.
Had my urine results back today too. Your PCR should be between 1-30 when pregnant and on monday mine were 344 and wednesday sample was 634!
This is what could possibly makin baby not grow properly too so keeping an eye on placenta! Even scarier is he's started moving less.... So been having lots of CTG scans and they all say he's ok
So as of tuesday i will be given a date for induction either way and if he's small will be that week and if not will be a couple of weeks time. Unless my PCR goes up even more and they will induce sooner rather than later!
They are doing a growth scan on tues to see if baby still isnt growing properly and if he isnt or measuing small they are gunna induce! I'll be 37w by then so full term so they cant see a problem.
Had my urine results back today too. Your PCR should be between 1-30 when pregnant and on monday mine were 344 and wednesday sample was 634!
This is what could possibly makin baby not grow properly too so keeping an eye on placenta! Even scarier is he's started moving less.... So been having lots of CTG scans and they all say he's ok
So as of tuesday i will be given a date for induction either way and if he's small will be that week and if not will be a couple of weeks time. Unless my PCR goes up even more and they will induce sooner rather than later!