Indigestion.... Heartburn!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2008
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I dont know if this has been posted lately.... but I am wondering if any of you ladies can help!

I am suffering terribly with this that I can not even sleep at night with waking up choking! I think this is quiet dangerous and my OH is really worried aboit me, I have stoppped eating late and have smaller portions but nothing seems to ease it :(


If its that bad Gaviscon Advance is about all I can need to get it from your doctor!!

Many of us suffer badly, and I posted the other day as I was up at 5am in absolute agony with you are in good company :) Its horrid I know!!!
Awh thanks Elliebellie, ist good to know I am not alone!! :lol:

I just keep hoping it might get better

oh hun yip it is a terrible thing to have, have you tried a cup of warm milk before heading to bed i find this helps me sometimes i felt like my insides where gonna fall out because of the pain i was in and said to the midwife and she suggested milk, rennies, gaviscon, i do hope it gets easier for you. :hug: :hug:
I will try this puppylove (the milk) I had heard mile helps but nobody said warm so I will try that out!!! Tonight I will take some to bed with me!!!

Fingers crossed.... I just want a nice night sleep!!!! :D

lillyblue said:
Awh thanks Elliebellie, ist good to know I am not alone!! :lol:

I just keep hoping it might get better


Unfortunately mine has recently got much worse......... :(
Rennies worked well for me for a while, but the last week I am swigging (its a very fetching look), gaviscon advance from the bottle through the night because the pain gets so bad!

Also try raising your head in bed by adding another pillow, if you are propped more upright the acid cannot creep upwards :)
you really need to get ya doc to prescribe u some gaviscon hun, it will work wonders i cant live without a pack of rennies or gaviscon tabs as i cant take the liquid! give them a ring im sure they wont mind!!!
Thanks ladies!!!

So do I need to book with my doctor? x
This i something ive never suffered with if im honest, i suffer with acid in my throat though, it burns like crazy in the back of my throat, and today i have what feels like a bubble in my throat and woke up nearloy throwing u[p :?
Thats quite similar to me mel & bean, I cant have any fizzy drinks etc!

I dont find anything makes it worse tbh, but nothing makes it better either, havnt had it so bad since ive been craving milk and drinkinhg it by the pint, maybe thats helping, horrid isnt it :hug:
Yeah its terrible I am going to get in the doctors this week for it because I am getting soooo tired as I cant sleep!


Thanks :hug:

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