Inconsolable crying


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2010
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So, I'm at my wits end :(

Henry has been crying inconsolably for an hour now. Ive just managed to calm him enough so he can feed and he fall asleep as I'm typing but woken back up again :(

I've changed his nappy, winded him, tried feeding him but he latched for a couple of sucks then let go and cried, I've tried white noise as well.

He actually has proper tears now and it breaks my heart :cry: I can't work out what's wrong with him and I feel so useless.

Just don't know what else to try when he does it. He goes so red faced and sounds so angry.

I'm just at a loss ladies. This has got more frequent the past couple of days, fighting his sleep and the inconsolable crying. I feel like taking him to hospital. Somethin has to be wrong for him to be acting like this. He hasn't always been like this and it makes me feel like I've done somethin to make him this way.

I welcome any advice u may have and if any of ur lo's have been like this?
have you tried getting in the bath with him ? feeding him in a dark room ? skin to skin when feeding ? all else fails id call nhs direct xx
Ruby always settles when she has a warm bath xxx
Could it be colic perhaps? Is he raising his knees up to his tummy at all? x
No rach he isn't raising his knees.

I may try the bathing him next time. Will try skin to skin if I'm at home with him too.

Just feels horrible :(
Bath has worked for me and also taking his clothes off and letting him be naked. Sometimes I take my top and bra off and he settles on my chest. Hope you're ok. It could be colic hun by the sounds of it. Do see a doc if you're concerned. xxx
we have been having the same with kayla and thik its reflux, the only thing tht kind of helps is holding her upright standing on my knees ( obviously she cant actually stand just put with of weight) it settles her a bit

we called med docs and they said to take her up to them but she has settled so waiting half hour, might be worth calling them and tking him upto see them

Hope hes ok hun xxx
I've had the same thing with my dd and it was as she got overtired mainly but also had some trapped wind. I spoke to the HV who said that it is common for babies to have a period in the early evening where they just cry!
Is his tummy hard? It could just be a load of wind he needs to get out, maybe try some infacol? Jake always got like that with wind, he didn't suffer from colic but he did have times where he would get trapped wind xxx
I've cleaned out his nose, given him some calpol nasal spray and some infacol. Hopefully that will settle him. It is always early evening he starts, around 5ish and it continues but he is usually ok when he wakes for his first feed of the night.

Do u give them infacol before every feed or just when them seem grumpy?
Between about 5 weeks and 3 month alot of babies go through a patch of crying for a few hours for no reason. My old hv said it Was like the witching hour they do it same time roughly every night for a period of time.

My dd did it between 6&8 but theo does it about 5:30 for half an hour. It will stop as soon as it started.
Infacol needs to be every feed for it to have an effect
I'll do that then. How long do u do it for? A day, 2 days? Don't wanna over do it.
You give it as long as needed. Could be a week could be months. My HV said it's perfectly safe to take as long as needed.

BTW have you tried a nice long wall to settle. It's what we used to do with Chloe because it was the only way to get her to calm down.
Alyssa did this last night and tonight, i had her on her changing mat and left her nappy off for a bit with her screaming and kicking in a temper and she pooed tonnes. obviously that was what she needed as shes been so much calmer since. shes been going every day but the last 2 days its been fairly watery and not a lot and this was a proper poop so i figure she felt a bit constipated and all the kicking and temper kinda worked it out of her lol.
Kallie gets like this in the evenings too. I think it is either reflux or being overtired. We put her in a wrap and pat her bum and walk around until she settles. I also try not to stimulate her too much in the evening.

Have to say, that pic of Henry is adorable!!!
I know how you feel. My DD cried from half 3 to half 9 yesterday stopping for a little bit of food

We think she was overstimulated as she would stop when we took her for a walk or in the car, we rocked her played music, talked, held but ignored her. It was so hard that we were nearly crying

In the end she wore herself out. It's been one of the hardest things we have gone through.

But I will try the bath if it happens again.
My little girl gets like this as well sometimes. Like MrsKM I think it might be refux because she seems to settle a bit when I hold her upright. I will see my gp if it doesn't get better! I Think you should as well if u're concerned!!

Lots of luck!

Cheers ladies and thanks mrs km, I love that pic too!!

I was very very close to taking him for a walk and if he hadn't've stopped when he did he would've been wrapped up and out!!

He has just woken after goin to sleep at 11 do st least he is sleepin xx
Aw Hun not sure what to suggest but really hope it sorts itself out soon xxxx

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