Incompetent cervix


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2007
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Right, this is probably a really pointless post.

My mum lost two babies before me (both at 22 weeks) because she had an incompetent cervix. She then had to have a stitch put up there to keep me nearly to term - and that still didn't stop my brother arriving over 6 weeks early :shock:

I mentioned to my midwife that I was worried about this and she told me I was being ridiculous (in nicer terms obviously) as it's not a hereditary condition and anyway, they wouldn't do anything about it anyway until I'd lost at least 2 babies (!) - nice.

My friend who's a doctor has advised me to go and see my GP for a second opinion - do you think this would be ridiculous and over the top? Do you think I'm worrying too much about nothing? (Actually I know I probably am).

Further to this, one of my pregnancy books says that women with abnormally small cervixes (cervices surely if it's from Latin) are waaaay more likely to have premature births. Now according to my doctor 5 years ago, I have the "smallest cervix I've ever seen"... (so small they don't do the contraceptive cap in my size)... am I again worrying about nothing? Probably.

I just couldn't *bear* to lose this baby at such a late stage, I'd be absolutely gutted.

So now, tell me I'm being ridiculous and obsessive :doh:
If a doctor has told you to get a second opinion, I'd get it if I were you.
The worst that could happen is your midwife will think your being really paranoid, but so what if it gives you peace of mind? :D
I think it's natural being worried about your baby, it just means you're going to be a fab mum.

I don't know anything about incompetent cervixes or small one's, but I always think it's good to make sure about these things and put your mind at rest if you can :hug: :hug:
If you are very worried than a discussion with your doctor might help. As someone once said to me when I didn't want to waste the doctor's time with a sore back, that's what we pay our taxes for. :)
I know this is a stupid question, but does the stitch go in before or after you are pregnant?
Is it a major operation? If not, maybe they could do it for you anyway. Though I imagine it carries risks too.
debecca said:
Right, this is probably a really pointless post.

My mum lost two babies before me (both at 22 weeks) because she had an incompetent cervix. She then had to have a stitch put up there to keep me nearly to term - and that still didn't stop my brother arriving over 6 weeks early :shock:

I mentioned to my midwife that I was worried about this and she told me I was being ridiculous (in nicer terms obviously) as it's not a hereditary condition and anyway, they wouldn't do anything about it anyway until I'd lost at least 2 babies (!) - nice.

My friend who's a doctor has advised me to go and see my GP for a second opinion - do you think this would be ridiculous and over the top? Do you think I'm worrying too much about nothing? (Actually I know I probably am).

Further to this, one of my pregnancy books says that women with abnormally small cervixes (cervices surely if it's from Latin) are waaaay more likely to have premature births. Now according to my doctor 5 years ago, I have the "smallest cervix I've ever seen"... (so small they don't do the contraceptive cap in my size)... am I again worrying about nothing? Probably.

I just couldn't *bear* to lose this baby at such a late stage, I'd be absolutely gutted.

So now, tell me I'm being ridiculous and obsessive :doh:

My mum has an incompetent cervix... She had 7 miscarriages before me... The actual baby before me she carried to 24 weeks (but 30 years ago this was called a miscarriage).

When she had me she got a stitch put in, when it was taken out at 36 weeks, I popped out shortly after.

I never had any problems with Tia... But I did have a very fast labour and once Tia engaged and started putting pressure on my cervix it went from 3 to 10 cm in four hours without any drug help... My mw at the time said it was really fast and to be careful next time I have a baby.

I was told it wasn't inherited as well... and that as I have had a normal (late) pregnancy, I didn't really need to worry about it. I was never told about a second opinion. But as I have a load of other issues I am being watched closely.

This time round, we will have to see... Baby is low, the past few days I've had back ache, loads of cm, my cervix is soft, last night I had a few painful tightening in my stomach.... so I am worrying a bit. I really want to question my mum on it and ask her what it was like just before, but I know the memory is painful for her... :( Plus shes in the UK atm and I don't want to go worrying her un necessarily.

I would go get another opinion if I was you.. just because you can. I know that when you grow up hearing these stories from your own mother, it can really play on you... Plus since being pregnant, my mother mentions it a lot... about how she won't buy anything because she lost her babies and she wants to wait until the baby is here. So I don't think your being obsessive
I would have another chat with your midwife and its that doesnt work go to your GP.

Im sure you have nothing to worry about but it will put your mind at rest.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
definitely get advice from your gp - it is very unlikely to be anything to worry about but when pregnant stress is not good for you or baby so seek as much reassurance as YOU need - never worry what a doctor will think of you - if they think badly of you for needing reassurance they are not a great doctor in my book (I used to be a gp)
Thank you everyone for this advice, and especially for Squiglet - it's really nice to hear from someone else who has been in the situation, especially as you had a healthy pregnancy :clap:

I think I will make an appointment to see my GP and let him tell me I'm worrying unnecessarily!

Unfortunately I can't ask my mum for advice as she's no longer here but she was actually one of 16 kids so I suspect it can't be hereditary.

Well, fingers crossed for me over Christmas cos that's 22 weeks... if I make it to January I will breathe a big sigh of relief!

Thanks again for your help xxxx
how would a doctor determine if you had an incompetent cervix? is it something they only tend to diagnose when its too late? :?
gymbabeliz said:
how would a doctor determine if you had an incompetent cervix? is it something they only tend to diagnose when its too late? :?

Generally you don't know until the cervix dilates and the bag drops... by which point you have the option of just letting things lie, introduce steriods to strengthen the babies lungs and hope to get to a later gestation with total bed rest.... or they can try pushing the bag back and putting a cervical cerclage (a stitch) into your cervix to hold it closed. Unfortunately, they both have their risks where the bag bursts and the baby is born prem.

However, if a doctor believes you are at significant risk, they can put the cervical cerclage before hand... BUT it's unlikely unless you have a history of 2nd tri spontaneous miscarriages... Either way it doesn't hurt to ask if you are worried...

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