in the mood for a moan...


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2007
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I have had a really good day today but I am gonna moan anyway :D

First the garden. I have been waiting for OH to mow the lawn for weeks now. He suffers from hayfever so i can understand why he has put it off but it is so long now it is an embarrassment, all the neighbours gerdens are beautiful. I went out and weeded this morning but he still didnt do the lawn. My sister has been offering to do this for a while (for a small fee) but pride gets the better of him and he just says no, ill do it... :roll: I am going to get the lawn mower out myself tomorrow because it is just too much now. I said something about it today and we ended up arguing :evil:

THen i went for a facial today (it was lovely :D ) on the way back from town on the tram i had to stand up the whole way (about 20 mins). I was wondering if i even look pregnangt sometimes. Nobody gave up their seat for me. I was so squashed up i was practically pushing my bump into this one womans face at one point... then she offered her seat to another woman who wasnt even pregnant :evil:

This evening we went to Nandos for tea. the waiter asked if we wanted a smoking or non smoking seat, we said non smoking. We were seated right next to the open doors with tables outside on the front. I was smoked on by 3 different people!!

After Nandos we went to the cinema to see pirates 3 (i rather enjoyed it, a bit long tho) I was sat next to this bloke who had no concept of personal space!. he sat there with his legs wide open rocking one of his legs nervously practically throughout the whole film! I even tried to sit to make it uncomfortable for him to do it, but he just kept rubbing his leg on mine- making me rock along with him :wall: when he stood up to leave at the end he had his leg touching mine. Im normally too polite to say anything but i said really loud 'will that man stop touching my f**king leg' he heard me because he turned around and looked me lol, poor OH was like 'calm down..' Also when the film was on he kept looking at me to see if i was laughing at the funny bits, even tho he was with his girlfriend... what a creep.

I know its the hormones making me so angry but i just seemed to be bugged by everything. My OH just doesnt understand my frustrations

phew, that was long. thanks for reading :D
tangerinedream said:
After Nandos we went to the cinema to see pirates 3 (i rather enjoyed it, a bit long tho) I was sat next to this bloke who had no concept of personal space!. he sat there with his legs wide open rocking one of his legs nervously practically throughout the whole film! I even tried to sit to make it uncomfortable for him to do it, but he just kept rubbing his leg on mine- making me rock along with him :wall: when he stood up to leave at the end he had his leg touching mine. Im normally too polite to say anything but i said really loud 'will that man stop touching my f**king leg' he heard me because he turned around and looked me lol, poor OH was like 'calm down..' Also when the film was on he kept looking at me to see if i was laughing at the funny bits, even tho he was with his girlfriend... what a creep.

Did you manage to last the whole film without going to the loo? I had to go just before, halfway through and straight after! lol!
I also had an annoying neighbour when I was watching Pirates 3 - this kid kept playing with his chocolate container, putting the lid on then taking it off constantly which made an irritating sound! Grrr!
OopsyDaisy said:
Did you manage to last the whole film without going to the loo? I had to go just before, halfway through and straight after! lol!

I tried to go before the film but there was no loo roll. I told a member of staff and he said he'd get it sorted a soon as he could so i went about 20 mins into the film and there was loo roll :lol:
I laughed out loud at your post, cuz its my world exactly! our garden is the same, it is like a forest / jungle. My hubbie has bad hayfever too and wont cut the grass. My neighbour actually looks over the fence to examine the mess! :oops: I refuse to cut the grass myself as im too heavily preggers now, but it would be nice to be able to sit out there on the grass, esp when the baby arrives.

Also I was on a train the other day and im huge ! you cant escape that im pregnant and i had to stand for 20 min cuz no one would give up their seat for me. I even had a bloke , who was from an older generation(you would presume would have more manners) staring at my bump. :evil:
Well, kids it looks like manners have officially died- I've been on several trains over the past few months, and only on one occasion did a guy offer me a seat - young and, funnilyenough, english! It strikes me as funny, coz i live in Spain! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
:hug: can understand the tram, smoking and creepy man :evil: u poor thing! (euw especially the creepy man that must'v been awful!) but if ur OH has hayfever it must be horrid for him. if the lawn needs doing get someone else to do it if u cant do it either?
Pirates 3- i had 4 wees throughout that film i think! and i wee'd b4 i went in and afterwards as well!
These days train/tube passengers just keep their heads down - they're either oblivious to the fact that you're pregnant, or they've noticed but are too selfish to give up their seat. I have a "Baby on Board" badge from London Underground, but I've been too embarrassed to wear it.
trixipaws said:
but if ur OH has hayfever it must be horrid for him. if the lawn needs doing get someone else to do it if u cant do it either?

I can totally understand the hayfever thing. it is really bad for him but my sister has said about 5 times now she will do it for a tenner whch i think is brilliant and im willing to pay her twenty to do it!! but OH says no he'll do it, hes not paying somebody else to do it :wall:
ah, noone's ever offered me their seat so I just don't expect it now. They all just look disgusted like "you're too young, why did you get yourself pregnant" kinda thing and carry on looking at my bump throughout the ride. It's even worse with girls my age who are on the bus cos they just snigger and's just like, grow up, really, it's not that revolutionary.
Skyla said:
ah, noone's ever offered me their seat so I just don't expect it now. They all just look disgusted like "you're too young, why did you get yourself pregnant" kinda thing and carry on looking at my bump throughout the ride. It's even worse with girls my age who are on the bus cos they just snigger and's just like, grow up, really, it's not that revolutionary.

thats not nice, to be laughed at by your 'peers' my nan always says girls can be bitchhes
u poor girls, i remember the 2hour train ride to uni on a sweltering train - not my best memory of pregnancy :puke:

hugs for u all, u know baby will make up for it at the end tho :wink: :hug: :hug:
tangerinedream said:
trixipaws said:
but if ur OH has hayfever it must be horrid for him. if the lawn needs doing get someone else to do it if u cant do it either?

I can totally understand the hayfever thing. it is really bad for him but my sister has said about 5 times now she will do it for a tenner whch i think is brilliant and im willing to pay her twenty to do it!! but OH says no he'll do it, hes not paying somebody else to do it :wall:

I would get your sister round when hubbie is not there to cut the grass and he wont be able to do anything about it. Say that she just took over when she came to visit and you couldnt possibly stop her. Then you can send her round to my house to cut my grass for me please :wink:

aww hun sorry you didnt have the best time, i would be annoyed too :hug: some people can be so rude :evil: threaten hubby that you will do teh lawn maybe it will make him to it faster
At the end of my pregnancy I started asking people to move if I was on a bus and noone let me sit down. I sat on a woman once because she ignored me when I asked to sit down. People are so bloody rude, it really makes me angry. It's not easy carrying round all that extra weight, especially in the heat.
tangerinedream said:
Skyla said:
ah, noone's ever offered me their seat so I just don't expect it now. They all just look disgusted like "you're too young, why did you get yourself pregnant" kinda thing and carry on looking at my bump throughout the ride. It's even worse with girls my age who are on the bus cos they just snigger and's just like, grow up, really, it's not that revolutionary.

thats not nice, to be laughed at by your 'peers' my nan always says girls can be bitchhes

Your nan is so right, girls can be incredibly bitchy but I've just come to ignore them or I think to myself that they're jealous or something.
I cryed laughing at your post! Its like me all over and have tbh my manners have completely died! I was at the cinema the othewr week and had to turn around and tell people to shut the hell up, and my DH was just like yours too. he almost died by what i said to them :hug:

Hot weather aint helping either but who cares were pregnant and peoplke should know better, spesh those gits on public transport, but the last bus i was on the bus driver actually roared at passengers to give me a seat which was nice of him!

If were this bad now what are we guna be liek when we give birth and go through that transition period. Our poor midwives and OH :rotfl:

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