In slow motion


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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Just had to go up to triage cos contractions are so painful I can't move :(. They are ranging between 3 and 10 minutes, level out for a bit then wobble again but they are lasting about a minute each. Had an internal and cervix is very soft but no dilation as of yet :( so now I'm bleeding from the internal and have to sit it out at home. Paracetomol isn't working, the pains are horrendous but I don't want to be stuck in hospital if nothing's happening.

And omg I felt every pothole in the road :shock:. I'm going to email the council a very abusive letter if I have to go through this again!

Fx this is it this time xxxxxxxx
FX really hope this is it for you BB :) so excited for you- perhaps a march baby at this rate!!!!!!! xxxxx
Omg! Best of luck Hun, I'll be stalking now to see what's happening. By the rate everyone's going into labour ill be here on my own! Ha xxx
Fingers crossed your bubs will be here soon!
Good luck hun sorry to hear you are suffering, try having a bath it might help ease some of the discomfort xxxx
Charlie I'm not holding out much hope tbh, been through so much during the last week but these are definitely the strongest and most regular I have had. The internal was really painful, she said I might make it to the sweep Monday I might not
Cervix being soft is a very good sign! When i had my third baby, i went hospital due to bleeding and was having irregular contractions (they were v painful!) And they said my cervix was still high a closed. They kept me in cos her heartrate kept dipping with contractions, and cos of bleeding (have a history of excessive bleeding after birth) So they decided to induce that night. BUT when i went to go and be induced, i was already 3cm! So in just 6 hours my cervix went from closed, high and abit soft to 3cm! So you could go in to full blown labour sooner than you think :) Good luck! xx
Oh I have everything crossed for you honey I really do :) xxx
Oh this has gotta be it this time babybrain! Fingers crossed for you, hope you have little Albert in your arms soon xx
Oooooh everything crossed. We might have 4 babies in one day :)
Hope you are not waiting too long. Good luck xx
Oh bless, I hope it get easier for you. People have warned me about the car journey to the hospital because you do feel every little bump and holes too, eeek! Good luck :) x
fingers and toes crossed for you xxx
I am so dreading Albert waking up tonight, sounds awful huh, but every time he moves is agony. Nothing has changed except the bleeding has thankfully stopped. Neither paracetomol or codeine are giving me any relief so just have to sit it out

Hope I don't have to do this again!!! Thanks girls :hug:, dunno how you put up with me lol xxxxxxxxxxx
Can't wait till morning to see what's happened during the night. Fx for u Hun, hope things progress xxxx
When I wont from 5 cm to pushing all in 5 min midwife said sometimes them checking can always things up so hopefully that will happen for you. Hood luck x

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