In shock - guess what happened to me earlier .....


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2008
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Earlier whilst walking (read "waddling") round tesco's at my leisurely pregnant pace, a lady bumped into me. Her basket was overflowing and she dropped a loaf of bread. Not my fault at all as SHE turned into ME but guess what she said ......

"oh, can you pick that up for me" :x
I stood for a second in shock and just said "erm .... no !" ..... then she huffed, put her basket down and picked it up herself

I am quite clearly heavily pregnant and struggling to walk at the moment - i was just so shocked - can you believe some people
I would usually get angry but actually i was so shocked it made me laugh for the rest of my shopping (cant say that hubby felt the same when i told him :wall: )

Anyone else had problems like this or is it just my town that is full of idiots !?!?!
either that or she's just never been pregnant - i cant even out my own shoes on let along pick something up off the floor !!
What a stupid woman.. Dont you hate it though when you go into shock cos of someone being so stupid and then think of all the things you could have said afterwards! :wall:

Claire x
i do that nori! it keeps me up at night sometimes thinking 'oh i should have said...!'
but yeah, what a stupid woman! even if i do bang into someone i always pick up my own stuff, think she had a bit of a nerve asking irrelevant of pregnancy.
When i was on the of my last days before maternity leave at argis i was walking passed the collection desk i wasnt even allowed on there because of lifting stuff when this customer said "oh love can you just grab that bag of sand its mine..." and it was a huge really heavy pack of sand for the garden..i looked at my bump then back at her and said "are you having a joke? i'm 7 months pregnant i'll have to get someone else to carry it for you" she looked confused why i couldnt just carry it! people are thick and ignorant!!
bloody ignorant old cow, i hate that feeling when you leave saying nothing then all night keep thinking i should of said something lol
:shock: what a selfish cow! she bumped into you, why on earth would she expect you to pick it up? plus your pregnant!
Some people are just so damn rude.........makes me so mad!

Glad you saw the funny side, I think you have to sometimes otherwise you would just be bloody miserable all the time :D
I had a lady on the bus moan at me cuz I didn't give her my seat on the bus!!! She wasn't exactly ancient and frail and at 37w I was clearly preggers... I was having a bad day already by then so gave her a few choice words of my own, which gave her something legitimate to moan about (see I like to give people a purpose in life!!)

Sarah xxx
CH0C0H0LIC said:
I had a lady on the bus moan at me cuz I didn't give her my seat on the bus!!! She wasn't exactly ancient and frail and at 37w I was clearly preggers... I was having a bad day already by then so gave her a few choice words of my own, which gave her something legitimate to moan about (see I like to give people a purpose in life!!)

Sarah xxx

And right you were hun.

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