in laws rant...


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2006
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i have to get this off my chest...... my in laws are very sweet and nice people. They adore their granddaughter and my MIL is going to be looking after her one afternoon a week when I go back to work.

I dont mean to sound ungrateful but they still manage to drive me potty!

I got a txt from OH earlier saying can my folks see Holly this week, will you ring them... I'm like yes of course they can but are their fingers broken? Unable to dial a number? I know the phone isnt broken cos I've rung them twice this week...
They dont bother calling me to see if we are in and if they can pop round, instead I get this guilt trip from OH.... well they havent seen her for over a week. I'm thinking, they live 10 minutes away... get in the f&^$ing car and come round. My folks live in Leeds and drive over pretty much every other weekend to see her.

I hate this.. we dont want to make a fuss/get in the way attitude they have, it drives me insane...... :wall: :wall:
I understand your frustration, my MIL is really horrible at times, she can't really be bothered to get in the car with FIL and come and see us and although she didn't want a scan pic of LO and doesn't seem that interested, she doesn't mind telling me what i'm doing wrong and that i'm eating the wrong foods. I don't really have any advice because I'm pretty much in the same boat! lol all I can advise is to try not to let it get to you (easier said than done!) and concentrate on your daughter as she is more important. Family hey? who'd have em?!! lol

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