implantation or period?? UPDATED 11/06


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2007
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Hi all, I wonder if anyone can pass their opinion on the following...
I have a cycle of 28 days and am 7 days late...I have had an aching back and niggling pains (not v bad just noticeable) on the left side (only) of my stomach and some sensations quite low done in the pubic bone area and in the last 2 days some brownish discharge (sorry!!) ...I haven't had a lot of success lately with pregnancies or getting pregnant so trying not too read too much into it (yeah right!!)

Whatcha reckon, I haven't taken a test as far too scared of a negative.

ive got that pain in my back and pubic bone pain as well but was just thinking AF will be on time, maybe you should do a test? if your late thats all i was thinking ;)
Good luck :D
Am really hoping its not AF as I have never been this late before but after 6 years its kinda seems too much to ask - especially after 3 failed IUI's and a miscarriage....incidentally this was the month I used cough syrup and pre seed........eeep!! the oldies are the best maybe???

Fingers crossed for both of us!!! :hug:
cough syrup? :shock:

I really dont want to test tomorrow but aint gonna find out any other way lol :hug: :hug: :hug:
welshpolly said:
ooo I say TEST!!!!

I agree; your symptoms sound positive, especially if your cycles are normally regular. Good luck x
For some..that preseed makes all the test!!!!
If your late and aren't normally do a test... thats the best way to find out darling, I know it can be scary but at some point if AF dont show your going to have to.... do it now and put your mind at rest a little (easier said then done)

Fingers crossed for you trigger, very best wishes :hug: :hug: :hug:
Well, I tested last night after all and got a v faint positive but my husband agreed there was def a line there, I then retested this morning at 5.00 and still a faint line however a couple of hours later I started to get really bad period pains, the type that make you lie on the floor, and immediately my period started so looks like another no goer for me.... :cry:

Thanks for your support ladies. :hug:
Trigger with your AF being that late and getting faint lines on tests I would pop along to your GP - I dont want to scare you but is your bleeding the same as normal? Its just that was like when I had my ectopic - very faint tests, late period and then brown/red watery bleed.... I dont think it does any harm to get it checked out.

Jane x x x x
I pray I'm wrong and I do get told off for being neurotic but honestly its not worth risking it. They can do a couple of simple tests and rule it out - better waste a bit of time than your life.

Let me know how you get on honey x x x x
true...on a more positive note - CONGRATS to you!! I just noticed, so rude!! :oops:
You must be thrilled...I have followed your journey so far so can only imagine how delighted you are. :cheer:

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