implantation bleed


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2006
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my sister is currently ttc and I am trying to help her as much as I can with very early syptoms and typically for me now can't remember a damn thing although it was only 16 weeks ago!!!

With the implantation bleed how much is it if you have one? She rang today to say she thought af had arrived but it is approx one and a half ish weeks early so I said it could be an ib, any help guys?

Plus any other v early symptoms you would like to share!

I have just thought this may be in the wrong section, if it is where will I put it!!!!!

Baby dust to everyone as always, think thick xxx :hug:
Hey chica,

Can't help I'm afraid, I didn't know I was pg till I was - if you know what I mean, but just thought maybe you should repeat the post in First Tri as some of the girls in there will have experienced this very recently.....good luck to your sister :hug:
thanks em, I had an implantation bleed but it was only a wipe, I wondered if it varied x
The only thing i can say is with Elliot i had ib and it lasted about half a day? we are all different. Hope its good news for her :)
hey missac,
i had ib for about 2 days (when my period was supposed to start), it was sort of like the start of af (and i thought it was at first, because i didnt know about ib :roll: ) , dark brown in colour and very light, only saw it when i wiped though. sorry if that was too much info :oops: . That was when i got pregnant in may, sadly i miscarried at about 5-6 weeks :( .
With this pregnancy i got no ib and no symptoms until about 6 weeks.
Hope that helps your sister :D
Hello :D

I had IB exactly 10 days after my expected OV and 7 days before my AF was due.

It felt quite strange as it felt exactly the same as when AF was coming and I was driving along and I just thought 'oh no, here we go again and early too'!

I got home and went to the loo and although I felt like there was going to be a lot, there were 6 largeish brown spots and that was it.

Got very very faint positive pg test 2 days later!

Fingers crossed for her! :D
i had IB 2 days after my af was due, i had tiny amount of blood when i wiped once and thought AF was on its way but nothing came :cheer:
I had the same one emma just a wipe and that was it. Sounds like my sister has more, she says she had bleeding gums thiks morning and I got all excited until she told me she had brushed them hard!! (I had told her it was one of my first symptoms!)

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