Impatient wanting to take a test!

Blondy locks x

Active Member
Feb 28, 2011
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Hey all again! :wave:

Just wanting to ask how long any of you taken a pregnancy test after having implantation bleeding? I still haven't took a test yet as i kinda dont want to be let down if its negative but am getting impatient now :wall2: i stopped bleeding about a week ago.

Hope anyone can help? Thanks :) xxx
I didn't have any IB but I tested 8DPO and got a very very faint BFP on a cheapy and a CB. Then I tested again at 10DPO with FR and got a definite BFP.

Good luck xxx
Think you can take a test around a week after suspected implantation. I'd leave it a bit longer but that's just me. :)

Do you know what cycle day or day past ovulation you are?

x x
I would leave it as long as you can bear, more chance of getting that second line! good luck!
Agreed, would leave it as long as poss if you can :-) xx
Hey all again! :wave:

Just wanting to ask how long any of you taken a pregnancy test after having implantation bleeding? I still haven't took a test yet as i kinda dont want to be let down if its negative but am getting impatient now :wall2: i stopped bleeding about a week ago.

Hope anyone can help? Thanks :) xxx

Hello, I think you are not the only one impatient here. I've started trying for my first baby In February. And I don't really know which day exactly I was ovulating. Normally it should of been around 1st of March as i have 28days cycle ( but the day before, that day and day after Ovulation test was negative) So I suspect I ovulated early. Today is the 10th of march and I even didn't have any implantation bleeding, but i felt so many different things for about 10 days now (headaches on and of, feeling of heartburn coming, nipples sticking out, getting shivers, cramps ( cramping for more than 10 days now). I still got 6 days to go till my AF, but all these symptoms were driving me crazy, so i thought it's ''psychological pregnancy'' so today i bought pregnancy test. I knew that it is too early but thought i will give it a go. I did it midday and the pink test line showed up!!!!! surprise surprise ( it showed me soooo early)...Will test in the morning again to make sure it is possitive. So i guess everything is possible. Just listen to what your body is trying to tell you. If you're lucky like me soon you will know.

The very good luck to you!!!
I agree, at least a week. How much did you bleed?

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