
Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2005
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has anyone heard from imi? haven't heard nothing simce she moved out of her terrible mother in laws and split with OH... wondering how she is getting on in her own place... and how her pregnancy is coming along.

perhaps shes moved and does not have access to internet yet.
yh there was a post saying she has moved and dont have a phone line
winstanley had posted on nother thread the info below

"Imi -mum-2b is living in orford she hasn't got a computer well she has a computer but no phone line to get on the internet."

Thats really nice that other people look out for and remember others.
WINSTANLEY - if you've spoken to imi lately will you let her know we're all thinking about her and when she gets a phone line to get her arse back on here.... miss her dry sense of humour!

i do say how everyone is getting on and she does ask about you all, she is doing alright, she is just waiting to move to a home that she can stay in, so she can get babies room sorted and the rest of the house sorted.
I was wondering about Imi this morning too.. is she OK Winstanley?? Is Greg still being a fu**wit?? Send her my love too and Hayley's right.. we miss her!

he has left her alone a lot more and not ringing as much but when he does ring she just shouts at him down the phone and doesn't give him a chance to speak.
So he is still being a jackass then!! As long as Imi and Maddie are well and happy!! Thanks for updating us Winstanley :wink:
Just to let you all know, That imi-mum-2be was taking to hospital yesterday, because she was throwing up with blood in it and having sharp shooting pain across her tummy, they checked her over took some blood after trying 6 times, checked the babys heart beat the baby is moving and the baby heart beat is fine, they kept her over night, i have spoken to her this morning, and she told me that she got taken up to the labour ward again at 4 in the morning cos they thought she was having contractions, she doesn't really know what is going on they keep whisping with each other but not telling imi much, they have told her that if the pain does carry on and she does go in to labour she might have to get transfered over to the a hospital with a special baby unit in it so proabably liverpool because that is the closest. she has rang Greg and it wasn't very supportive at all, so she is not going to bother telling him anything now. i'm going in to see her in a bit she is trying to get some sleep because has you can proabably imagine she hasn't had any sleep at all. I will let you know anything else as soon as i know.
poor imi - i'm soo angry at that SH*T.... how can he be so uncaring!!! this is the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with at one stage.. she is carrying his child... does this mean nothing to him.. no matter what has gone on or been said!!! she is carrying his baby... has he no heart? Imi sounds better off without (i know i don't know the full story) but no-one should have to go through that on their own... she is at her most vunerable!

Tell her i was asking about her and wish her all the best.. hope the pains stop and she starts feeling better soon! she hasn't had a good pregnancy so far... Liverpool hospital is the best woman hospital in the UK (so they say) it has the most up to date machinery... so if the worst comes to it and she is refered there she'll be the best hands...

Thanks for updating us
I can only ditto what Hayley has said.. at least she is in good hands and yes I have heard fab things about Liverpool

Poor Imi.. I hope she and Maddie are OK.. please send her my love too and lots of love and hugs and "get well soon" wishes.

As for Greg.. well.... nothing more needs to be said about that fu**wit :twisted: :twisted:
how many weeks is she? its such a shame that all this is happening to her..karma will come and greg will be the one getting it bad soon while she is happy as ever :D
how is imi now??
i wonder if greg knows he has alot of angry women preg or just had bubs after him?
Hope Imi and Maddie are both well, please let us know how they both are, and send out love to Imi x

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