"Imagine babies" on the DS (!)


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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Anyone seen the ad for this?


Product Features

* Embody a young babysitter and take of your neighbour’s babies all with their own personalities!
* Take care of 6 babies (one after the other), each with a distinctive character.
* Prepare their bottle and baby food in the kitchen, check on the amount of food in stock and buy the right food according to their needs.
* Rock the babies in a cradle, put on the soothing radio or move the mobile to help them sleep or to calm them down.
* Change their nappies to keep them clean, keep an eye on their health and dress them up with different clothes
* Entertain the babies: Play with them and their toys, play music to make them dance and take them into the garden to play on swings and other garden toys
* Exchange information, photos and clothing with other players through Wi-Fi
* Keep the house clean: Use fun mini-games to create a welcoming home for the babies: wash up, clean and vacuum, paint the walls, mow the grass, trim hedges and drive away spiders!
* Make the house to your own taste: Use the money you earn and the vouchers you receive in succeeding in your missions – buy items at the shops to decorate the house

How bizarre :think:

OMG theres another one...


Product Features

* Tickle, play peek-a-boo and even patty cake with your baby then listen to your buttercup coo and giggle with delight
* Customize your baby's physical appearance, the type of clothes your baby wears and the toys your baby plays with
* Teach your baby how to talk, crawl and even walk
* Utilize your stylus in several unique ways ranging from using it as a spoon to feed your baby to using it as a bar of soap to clean your baby
* Earn unlockable items like new toys, cute clothes, and wacky accessories for your baby. Leopard print diapers anyone?
ive got the imagine babies game (i was given it by an 8 year old cousin) its soooo hard dont no how little girls are ment to play it i got frustated with it and im good at games
Georgia has the 1st game, imagine babies, i will ask her what she thinks of it :D
:think: when did kids start playing with virtual dolls...... :lol:
Manda&Thomas said:
ive got the imagine babies game (i was given it by an 8 year old cousin) its soooo hard dont no how little girls are ment to play it i got frustated with it and im good at games

Sounds like the real thing... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Tia wants one of these games.... i use the old age addage concerning her want of a dog eventhough we've got cats she doesn't bother with.... we already have a baby you don't look after why do you want another :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

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