I'm sure all will be OK but can't help worrying....


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2011
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...I am 6 weeks pg..not sure of exact due date as I ov'd quite late in my cycle: period 10th July but didn't ov until 3/4 August.
Anyway, have been having blood when I wipe. Started as a small bit of old/brown blood this morning. Just a Small bit when I wiped. Is now red in colour...but not like the bright/deep red of a period. A bit more like dark pink mixed with discharge. No cramps but a dull ache around my lower back and lower stomach.
Why do these things always seem to happen at night? Makes it feel so much wore at night time...that waiting around and lack of sleep worrying. I'm sure I will be up to the toilet multiple times to see if it has gotten worse :/
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Sorry to read this jomc, I'm sure everything will be fine and it's just a bit of implantation bleeding? Try and relax and look after yourself, although I'm sure that's easier said than done xx
Sorry to read this jomc, I'm sure everything will be fine and it's just a bit of implantation bleeding? Try and relax and look after yourself, although I'm sure that's easier said than done xx

Thanks hun. I'm hoping so....had a bit of bleeding around this time when pg with my son o fingers crossed its just the same and will disappear soon enough x
Sorry to read this jomc, I'm sure everything will be fine and it's just a bit of implantation bleeding? Try and relax and look after yourself, although I'm sure that's easier said than done xx

Thanks hun. I'm hoping so....had a bit of bleeding around this time when pg with my son o fingers crossed its just the same and will disappear soon enough x

I'm sure it's just fine, if you think about how the egg has to implant into the lining of the uterus, it's surprising that there isn't more bleeding in the early stages of pregnancy! I'm afraid I can't offer any personal experience but I know I lot of people who have spot and bled through a lot of their pregnancy and everything has been fine. I really think the best you can do for you and your little bub is to try and stay as relaxed as possible. Sending you lots of supportive and positive thoughts xx
Hi.. Just joined tonight due to experiencing the same symptoms as you jomc.. I'm 5.5 weeks.. Worked out I'm due 28th April. Tonight the same thing has happened to me.. Dull backache, slight tummy pain.. And pinky colour discharge when I wipe.. Feeling stressed... The same thing happened Thursday morning. I spoke to my doctor on the phone and he told me that the hospital wouldn't be able to detect anything as I'm so early...I have previously suffered a misscarraige at about 5/6weeks.. I read that implantation bleed is common.. But it never happened to me in my last to pregnancies.. So worried.
I had same problem but i had cramping tht woke me up at 5+4..went for a scan at 5+5 and no heartbeat seen as too early so went for one at 6+6 yesterday and baby is fine and now a heartbeat can be seen ��
Woke this morning and went to the loo.. Still some brown coloured discharge when I wiped... Dull cramps as well.. But feeling sick!! I'm guessing that if it was a miscarriage then I would of lost blood and it would be there regardless if I wiped or not??
This has happened to me this morning too. Nothing on wiping but pinky discharge in knickers. I'm 5+5 today xx
I had some spotting on Friday and went for an emergency scan.

Def contact your gp, mw, or epu as they should be able to arrange bloods or/and scan for you.

Fingers crossed for us all ladies


Ah, I've got everything crossed for all of you, I really hope all is ok xx
Hi I had this on and off between 4-7 weeks. I had a few early scans, till we saw a hb. I had a private scan yesterday at 9w2d and saw our little jelly baby wriggling. I'm keeping everything crossed for you, as I know exactly how you feel xx
Ah, I've got everything crossed for all of you, I really hope all is ok xx

I rang EPU but you can't self refer. Have to go via gp etc and after they receive referral they will see you within 48 hours. I have an appointment for a reassurance scan next monday morn anyway through my fertility clinic which is in the same hospital and will be in EPU so will wait for then. Hasn't gotten any worse and no cramps so fingers crossed ! X
When I was pregnant I bled around six weeks, went to GP who referred me for a scan that day and everything was fine. Was red in colour not loads but enough to make me want to see what was going on. Try not to worry, always best to get checked though, just to put your mind at ease xx
Hope all okay for you Hun and no cramps is a good sign. Hopefully there's no more bleeding too xx
bleeding a bit more this morning, cramping slightly. Boobs no longer sore. 6 weeks + 1 I think. Did a CB digi which comes up as 2-3 weeks. Not sure if thats good or not as that would mean I am 4-5 weeks.
Have a GP appointment at 11am, hoping they refer me but may not get seen in EPU for 48 hours. Not sure how I will manage to wait that long for a scan
just wiped and there is a tiny clear sac, about the size of a small pea, filled with clear fluid
no idea though if thats anything
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Thinking of you Jomc xx
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Saw gp and she has referred me for scan so just need to wait for EPU to ring with appointment
I hope it gives positive answers and you don't have to wait long xx

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