Im stopping BFing :(


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2005
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Im stopping breastfeeding :( I don't want to but I really can't take the constant feeding anymore, if he's not on my boob then he's screaming at me to go back on. I can't sit and feed him all day and night, it means I can't get anything done and it's not fair on Nathan either.

I carried on until 6 weeks becuase that's when every says it get's better and it did, for about two days but now he's worse than ever :(

I really don't want to give up though but I suppose I've done it for just over 7 weeks so I've give him a good start :)
Well done for getting this far! Be proud of yourself for giving him a brilliant start.
Exactly be proud of yourself for doing as well as you have... I found that the best way to handle Tia and lil miss feeding was to pop Tia in a sling and let her feed all day while I had free hands.... it really was my god send.

But being a mum of 2 I know that you have to think of your other one too... :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks :) I feel really guilty and sad about stopping though :(

If im not feeding him now then my boobs will get full and maybe they will hurt? What can I do to help this pain and how long will it take to ease off? Also, when will my milk dry up?

Squiglet - You put Tia in a sling? Must have been heavy :lol: I've tried that with Kieran and he just falls asleep while he is in there and won't feed, be great if he would though :doh:
7 weeks is brilliant well done you...i stopped expressing yesterday and am suffering the engorgement now...put a thread on that in the health issues forum today there were loads of great tips from the good woman of the PF...get a white cabbage asap..its bliss on your tits.

Dont beat yourself up either you're doing whats best for you and both your wee ones.
Well done on getting to 7 weeks! If you did decide to continue, things would get better. I didnt believe anyone when they said it woud but it does... honest. You fall into a routine of feeding very easily and it becomes second nature to scoop him up all the time and put him on your boob.

If you do decide to stop though then pat yourself on the back and be proud that you gave him the best start possible xxxxxxxx
as the others have said really... well done on getting this far hon xx

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I have a demanding toddler and a hungry baby and it is hard. Seren always seems to want something when I feed Cally.I bought her a doll so she could pretend to feed her baby, or we read a book, or watch a DVD. the best thing about booby feeding is that you have one arm free for cuddles etc. i find cally will sleep if we go out for a walk to the park so i can concentrate on seren. oh will take Cally for a bath and change her for bed whilst I read to Seren before bed and give her a cuddle, then I go downstairs to feed Cally.

This is a great link here clicky
Thanks for your replies and advice :) :hug:

I still haven't give him formula. I've decided to carry on BFing for now and give it more time to see if it does get better. Hopefully it will get better soon though :pray:

Like you beanie, I can still do things with Nathan while im feeding like cuddle him, play with his toy with him on the settee etc but I just feel guilty because I always used to be able to run around playing with him but now im just stuck to the settee :lol:
Aww, good for you. It does get better for most people so i hope the same goes for you too.
Rachel said:
Thanks for your replies and advice :)
Like you beanie, I can still do things with Nathan while im feeding like cuddle him, play with his toy with him on the settee etc but I just feel guilty because I always used to be able to run around playing with him but now im just stuck to the settee :lol:

It is hard hun, I had so much guilt I used to cry as I thought I was neglecting Seren but it has got better. Seren understands that Cally needs her milk, and Cally has got quicker at feeding so I am able to spend more time. We still have times when Seren will kick off as she wants something and I have to ask her to wait a bit but overall its better. Hang in there hun but don't beat yourself up :hug:
I am constantly amazed and inspired by mums like you who manage to breast feed and have another little one to deal with. Breast feeding alone is a full time occupation as is caring for a toddler which must mean you give it 200% every day! Well done for getting this far- I hope things settle but if not, you've tried your hardest to make things work and you've got to be proud of that :hug:
Just seen this post so am a bit late commenting, but I think it is great that you have decided to stick with the BF- well done you :D

Alex xxx
flowergirl said:
I am constantly amazed and inspired by mums like you who manage to breast feed and have another little one to deal with. Breast feeding alone is a full time occupation as is caring for a toddler which must mean you give it 200% every day! Well done for getting this far- I hope things settle but if not, you've tried your hardest to make things work and you've got to be proud of that :hug:

aww that made me cry :hug:
Thanks :hug: :hug:

Im glad I decided to stick with BFing :) It's hard at the moment with the constant feeding but I've done it for nearly 8 weeks now so I can stay with it another couple of weeks like this until it gets better :)

Today has been abit better, he slept quite alot in the day between feedings so I was able to play with Nathan and go in the garden with him. He was worse tonight but I don't mind that so much because Nathan is in bed and I can just go online or watch a DVD while he feeds. He is asleep at the moment and has been for about an hour and a half so that is good :D
Glad that today has been better. All you can do is take one day at a time. Unfortunetly there are a couple of growth spurts coming up (usually at 12 weeks, and 4 months) but remember that these are temporary and will pass and the feedings will space out again. We are all here to support you, no matter what you decide to do. :hug:
Im formula feeding now. I feel happy about it, I was starting to get down about breastfeeding which isn't good for me or Kieran so I decided to go onto formula.

Hopefully it will get rid of his jaundice aswell, that's what the doctor thinks anyway.

Im glad I managed to get to 8 weeks and gave him a good start :)
:hug: do it gradually though hun so you don't get engorged

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