Im Sorry


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2009
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.......That im not on much and cant really offer much help or advice at the moment, ive been sooo sooo busy with starting a new job etc and its a lot of phyical demanding work so by time i get home im actually popped!!

So i totally understand if no1 wants to offer me any advice etc, since im being such a rubbish help at moment.

Well anyhoo, here goes. I was sitting minding my own earlier on this evening and all of a sudden i felt awful! To the point that i ran to the loo and exploded! (TMI) It was so bloody sore, actually took my breath away.
Well when i was wiping, it felt really "wet" when i was wiping my bum, so i wiped my front and when i looked like alot of egg whites, to the point there was so much that it was even off the toilet paper and onto my hand!!

I have never had this, yes ive had alot of CM before but not to the point of this!
My last AF was the 15th sept. Isnt it a bit much for ovulation???

Any reply is appreciated :) x
Sorry can't really help you x has your OV date adjusted or your cycle changed slightly? Any pain with the EWCM? Hope you are ok though x
i havent really been keeping tabs on ovulation etc since our chemical pregnancy a few months back, we decided to give up trying, but not prevent, so im not doing ovulation tests. If this months cycle is 28days then ile be due ovulation. Getting a slight stabbing pain on my left side but nothing really noticable.

I just couldnt believe the amount of the stuff!!
this is gunna be way to much TMI!! but i have had lots like that before! n i got af but hopefully things will be different for u hunni xxx sending lots of baby dust your way hope ur really enjoying your new job n resting well if ur pooped end day tek care hunni!! xx
I have to agree with noluckshelli I'm afraid hun as I used to get quite a bit a few days post OV but saying that everybody is different.. wishing you all the luck in the world with a shower of baby dust xx
I wasn't aware that advice was a trade off Ema Lou, it doesn't matter how often you post :)

It does sound like your fertile - certainly!

My amount of ewcm does vary and I recall times I had loads but never been shocked like you seem to be. I'm sure it's still perfectly normal :)
I think it's your body over compensating to try to get pregnant. It's there when you are ovulating for a reason. Your sex drive goes up when you are ovulating for a reason and I think that some months the body tries even harder for a reason (like a really good egg or something).

I think you are ovulating, get thee to bed!
That happened to me before it was so bad it was like my waters broke! I went to doc who looked at me like i was mad, had a wee look, did a swab which all came back negative. Never did get an answer and no idea what happened. I would presume its a sign of fertile moment and go for it! Baby dust to you

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