I'm sooooooooooo hungry


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2005
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Ok, I started my diet today. I'm fed up trying my damn hardest to suck my tummy in & it not making any difference :roll: so decided thats it, gotta shift the flab but i'm soooooooo hungry already.
I 've not eaten between my meals (woohoo :cheer: ) and not eaten any naughty stuff but i'm so used to snacking all the time its come as abit of a shock :cry:
Help :shock:
cut some fruit up and nibble on that through the day.

also if you get hungry, drink half a pint of water. and give it a while. if you still feel hungry, then you most prob are. (does that even make sense! :lol:)

well done though! im on a fat and diary free diet, but thats cause of my blooming gall stones. Although i have had the odd naughty thing.

awwwww bles ya hun, just be like me jelly belly and proud :lol:

well ok..... im not proud but i lurve food tooooooo much i had a zinger meal tonight :D and am now eating a manor house cake all to myself!!!!!!!!

but fair play to you sticking to it :D


I'm net-nibbling and have just eaten an entire pack of feta cheese, olive and pickled garlic.

Was tasty.....

but I smell GRIM!!!! :lol:
Good luck niki i couldnt diet to save my life im always hungy and im always stuffing myself with rubbish if you seen my stash of chocolate etc youd have a fitt! :lol:
I keep telling DH that he needs to support me (so I put him on a diet too!! he he) I have no will power, thats half the prob and have just watched that Louise Rednapp prog 'The truth about size zero' and made me feel really fat, what i'd give to be a size 8, what i'd give to be a size 10 too, doubt it'll ever happen :( .

*Note to self - must not give in* :D

Good luck with your diet hun, but you do have to cheat every so often or it might fail :) at least thats what i was told.
I think you look great in the pics though hun
Again good luck niki as i say i couldnt do a diet as there would be too many temtaions for me :lol: Gosh is that what size she is lucky cow i remember even being a zize 10 once cant say im that now probably bewtween a 12/14 more boredering on a size 14 :oops:
Good luck
Im going on a diet after LO arrives
I watched that 'Truth about size 0' programme too and it made me feel really fat :(
Plus it showed people how to achieve a size 0 :think:
Im pretty tall so can carry off size 14 - just - if I carry on putting on anymore weight without being pregnant im gonna start a proper diet though lol

My opinion has always been that curves are sexier than bones and my OH agrees :D

I just looked ill when I was a size 10 and had no boobs :cry:
im so much happier being a bigger size than when i was a 8-10. Im currently a 18-20. my aim is to be a 14-16 by the end of the year. Thats when i was happiest with myself. But im just going to take it easy. im not going to 'diet' sa such., just take it as it comes.

although this fat and diary free life style is doing the trick! my size 18 jeans keep falling off my hips! need to wear a belt and i didn't need to before i fell pregnant! :dance:
i was a size 8/10 bf pregnancy then went up to a 14/16, i went bk toa size 10/12 now im a size 12/14 but im not worried or bothered i eat what i like although i cud cut out 1 or 2 chinese's lol, but i know id be moreunhappy being small and eating food i dont like, plus alfie loves snuggling my bubbies and he couldnt do that if i was thin, but congrats hun here for support aqnd promise to wait till ur not about to eat my choc cake
Still hungry, aaaarrrrgghhhhhh. Hoping my tummy will shrink soon!

It was scary watching 'The truth about size zero' I certainly won't be going to the gym for 5 hours a day :shock: I don't get time to fart let alone do that every day!!! :shock: :rotfl:
You dont need to diet (or you Dionne!), i thought you looked really well when we met up.
If you are going to do it, i think the slower you do it the better as like that doc was saying on the size 0 programme excess dieting causes you to put more weight on when you stop....

p.s im saying all this whilst eating a bag of Areo bubbles ! (sorry)
Duds said:
You dont need to diet (or you Dionne!), i thought you looked really well when we met up.
If you are going to do it, i think the slower you do it the better as like that doc was saying on the size 0 programme excess dieting causes you to put more weight on when you stop....

p.s im saying all this whilst eating a bag of Areo bubbles ! (sorry)

Grrrrrrrrrrr don't be shocked if I turn up on your dorr step to nick your chocolate :wink: I still can't fit into alot of my wardrobe & I hate my bulging tummy, so gotta do something!

Today I had ready brek for breakfast (without sugar on top, it was revolting!) had an apple mid morning, a roll for lunch, a carrot & a bag of snack-a_jacks this afternoon, couldn't help myself, my tummy's rumbling! I'm still eating the right sort of amount but yet i'm still hungry & I don't know why???? going to start cooking dinner soon, chicken & veg.
Soooooooooooooooooooo tempted to get a chinese tho. please somebody stop me :pray: :rotfl:
Nicki, I know what you mean I'm hungry all the time as well, every day I wake up with these good intensions of eating health and by mid afternoon I'm back in the junk draw!!!
I also keep wanting to some tai boa (DVD work) every morning but when ever I put Otis down for a nap there is always a hundred and one things that I need to do. Maybe I'll turn a new leaf on Monday and make time to do my 30mins work out. I need to shift this jelly belly as well - a friend of mine has asked me to be her brides maid (she due to get married this summer, so I better get my skates on!).
In saying that we're having home made burgers and chips for dinner - also got OH to get some chocolate sponge pudding and custard for dessert ...hmmmm :wink:
Yummy, wish I could have had your dinner
I was good and resisted chinese, had pasta instaed, which I probably hsouldn't have eaten, all those carbs :roll: Oh well!
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