I'm so scared


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2007
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:wave: It's my scan tomorrow. I am so worried :cry: If you know how to pray, please do so. I want to hear good news so badly.
xxxxx to everyone
Hi Petra

I know exactly how you are feeling hun as its my scan tomorrow too.
I think its natural to feel like this after a loss.

I'm sure everything will be ok so try not to worry and hopefully we'll have lovely piccies to post tomorrow.

What time is your scan?

I have to drag the day out to 3.40. Its gonna be the longest day ever.

Big hugs to you xxxxxx :hug:
Aww sweetie, I am only about 5 + 3. I am going to the EPU at 9 am. I can't wait for tomorrow morning.

Hope all goes well for you :hug: :hug: :hug: I don't think I am going to have any pictures as it's too early.
Hiya Petra,
I know how you feel, as each day goes by that brings me closer to my scan I get more and more worried/scared. My mind has gone over it a million times and I just can't believe that I will be "allowed" to keep this pregnancy when I have a friend and family member who are 1 and 4 weeks ahead. Its not so much the thought of miscarriage that scares me, its the thought of starting again, and I'm not sure if I can?

I'm not sure about praying but I have been thinking good thoughts for you. If anyone deserves good news I think its you. I hope it all goes well for you, we'll all be thinking of you. :hug:
Just wanted to say good luck for tomorrow and hope all is ok
:hug: :hug: :hug: thank you everyone. I don't know what I would do without you :hug:
Petra, I wish you luck at your scan tomorrow and I will pray that everything is ok. :hug:
Good luck, I'm sure everything is fine, but i'll have my fingers crossed for you!
All the best sweety i wish you well and will be thinking of you :hug:
Good luck hun!! :hug:
Im sure everything will be just fine !:D
thinking of you today hun hope it all goes well for you :hug: xxxxxxxxx
Good luck hun :)

I'm sure everything will fine. Scan pics?
Thank you so much for your messages :hug:

Scan went well :cheer: The doctor said that I am about 5 weeks and all looks good. No blood around the pregnancy sac this time. I am going back to EPU in a week and we should see heartbeat.. :pray: My DH is more excited than I am. He can't stop jumping :D

I will update you after next scan. Thank you for being here for me :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh Petra i'm so pleased for you. Bet you are feeling so relieved now.
Congratulations :hug:

I'm sitting here in bits, i'm so scared for my appointment later :cry:


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