I'm so proud.


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2005
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Ok me and Neil have decided that it was getting to the time to start giving Ethan (7) abit more freedom.

It's only just been this year that ethans's been allowed to play in the garden with out me watching him like a hawk, due to his understanding problems we were worried about him going out of our gates.

Anyway yesterday we decided to let him and callum go to the park on their own.

Ethan has an obsession with time and loves watchs so we set his alarm for 15 minutes, and gave them both strict instructions to stay together and not to leave the park and to come back when the alarm goes.

We felt quite safe doing this as we live on a military estate so most people know eachother, and as we are away from any towns there is no reason for any one that doesn't live on the estate to be here, also the park is literally 2 mintues away with only one quite road to cross.

I was alittle worried at first, but once the time was up they both appeared at the door, so we got them both their dinner and said they could go back again if they wished so again set the alarm, and we had no trouble they both came back a few times to get a football and go to the toilet, and then again came back when the alarm went.

I know it might only seem minor but with all the problems we've had with Ethan we've always been quite restrictive with him, and I am so proud that he listened and came straight back at the time he was told.

And to top it all off I think he loves having the little bit of extra responsibilty.

:D Yay Ethan!

Good for you, you should be proud. Making the decision and letting go is something I hope I can do when Naomi comes to that age!


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