Im sick :(


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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I spent the night hugging the loo :cry:

Every time I thought I was gonna fall asleep I had to get up to be sick. I cant keep water down or anything and I have such a busy day ahead. Ive got midwife appt at 10 and then straight after my friend is coming round with her kids for lunch, I cant cancel cos they're on a 6 hour drive and stopping at mine half way, prob wont get to see them for months if I cancel and she has my curtains to drop off!

BUT Ive got no food in for the kids cos monday morning is my shopping time. So I have to drag my sorry ass round Aldi in an hour, come home, unpack, tidy, go to midwife, and get home prob to find them here and waiting and have 2 hyper children who've been in a car for 2 hours running around. And the suns shining and Im thinking I should put some laundry on so its dried by tonight.

add to that the fact that Ive been away all weekend and although I had a spring clean on friday morning the place just looks messy to me again and I wanted them to see my new house all lovely


okay Ill admit it, Im feeling sorry for myself!:roll:
:hug: That sucks! Sorry you are feeling so crap, do you reckon its something you have eaten?

I'm sure your friend will understand if she has to make her own coffee etc. Make sure you rest!! Get those feet up after your mw appointment and try to keep sipping some water xxxx
I have been like this for 4-5 days now! x Its awful so I totally sympathise with you! x Its definatly my morning sickness making a come back x big hugs x
oh gosh Helen 4-5 days!! I havent been 24 hours and Im feeling sorry for myself!! :hug: I hope its your last surge of sickness before the lovely 2nd trimester!

I think I mustve eaten something. I had fish and chips on Plymouth Hoe yesterday, thats the only thing, unless it couldve been something I had saturday, Im not sure how long it takes. I only had a piece of toast with butter in the morning and a packet of crisps when I got home last night. It was a pretty unhealthy day all round! Shouldve known something was up when I didnt fancy any dinner!

Its def not morning sickness, its either something I ate or a bug Ive picked up. To be fair the state of my friends bathroom where I stayed this weekend, I wouldnt be surprised, she's letting rooms to 2 boys to help with the mortgage, it puts my house state into perspective!
Ugh I struggle to live with one boy (OH) let alone two!!! x Aw I hope you feel better soon x
Ohh you poor thing!! Just tell your friend how sick you've been, she can make her and the children food and totally excuse the mess =]
Sorry to hear your so unwell :hug: ALways happens when you got loads to do!

Rest up as soon as your friend goes hun xx
Sorry your not feeling well tiny :hug: hope you feel better soon!! xxx
If you've eaten something dodgy it can cause upset up to 72 hours AFTER you're actually eaten it to cause any upset - that's why it's normally so difficult to think back to what it could've been.

Hope you feel better soon Tiny! :)
are you feeling any better Tiny? xxx
thanks guys, I kept lunch down so think my stomach is better but Im soooo tired. The site manager keeps popping round cos he's measuring fences to sort a boundary dispute. I got a load of laundry on the line, gonna chill for the rest of the day and get OH to bring it in when he's home.

Saw midwife and there is protein in my urine so might still have that UTI. gonna wait a couple of days for a sample to come back then I might be on antibiotics again. Im falling apart!
at least you are keeping some food down, bub needs it xxx

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