Littlelady87 said:
Urchin, maybe the other topic should be moved to the adult section, she wont be able to see it then,and get satisfaction from it, just a thought
Not everyone who is on the forum is signed up for there though. Myself included. I think leaving it where it is is probably better as it means *everyone* can see it and learn about this woman. It was something conducted very publicly and affected those in the tri's who offered support and friendship to this woman. They need and want to discuss it freely I sense.
The thing is, even if she is reading it publicly, its done its job. I don't see she can be getting much satisfation reading it as more and more of her lies are coming to light so she has less places to hide. She has pulled her Facebook accounts, removed her fake blog and so on. People who had friended her have removed her.
Just MHO is all