On day 35, have an 33 day average cycle although that can fluctuate. No Af as of yet either. I have just in the last hour or so got sharp stabs on my left side, just beside and below where my belly button is. No nausea , no tender breasts, I'm always tired anyway lol. And at night in particular I have been getting very itchy hands and feeling quite hot at times. The itchy hands can be linked to this possible condition I have a high chance of getting when pregnant.
The issue is which is making me doubt myself and think I'm just over thinking it all is we haven't actively tried this month, I never tracked ovulation and we didn't dtd many times due to work so I'm doubting we caught the right time anyway. Fingers crossed though
The issue is which is making me doubt myself and think I'm just over thinking it all is we haven't actively tried this month, I never tracked ovulation and we didn't dtd many times due to work so I'm doubting we caught the right time anyway. Fingers crossed though