Im rubbish at fibbing........


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2010
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Hi all

Im a bit stuck about what to say to people tonight. Last week we went out for drinks with friends, obviously I wasnt smoking or drinking as normal, so got round it all by saying that I was on call (which I do every 6 weeks) to avoid the drinking and new years resolution to stop smoking...........I think they all bought it :)

Anyway, this evening we are again going out for a meal with the same bunch of friends and I havent a clue what to say about not drinking.........given that they know me well, I think they're all gonna wonder whats going on??

Does anyone have any tips for what to say to people? Im hoping we wont have to see them again after tonight until after 12 weeks (in the nicest possible way!!! Lol)

Thanks as always

Ali xx
Hey :wave:

Congrats on lil sticky bean :yay: :love: :yay:

Mmmmm......could say your on a course of antibiotics or new year, new you or just having a bit of a detox after the festivities :)

Thanks Kezzemunster :) some good ones there.......Im then hoping I wont have to go out for a while after this eve lol, Im rubbish at fibbing........its written all ove my face lol!

Thanks on the congrats and advice xxx

My suggestions would be:

Easy (but short-term solution) - you've had a headache all day and took painkillers. You don't want to drink in case it sets the headache off again, nor combine alcohol with the tablets

More difficult fib (but longer-term solution) - you have decided to take January off from drinking to recover from Christmas (I work in London in an industry known for heavy drinking, and several people in my office do it each year).

More diffficult fib (but better solution) - you are getting really, really bad hangovers these days, and are thinking about giving up alcohol.

Hope these help.

No probs at all, let us know how you get on tomorrow, all hang over free as well :)

ha thanks ladies brilliant, these should keep me going for a good few weeks :) I shall keep you posted on my fibbing skills tomorrow lol

Have a nice eve xxx
I would say

A: You are driving
B: You are on antibiotics
C: You have a headache
D: You are not drinking as a New Years resoluion
haha WELL, we went for the meal and all was well, just said I was driving as trying to save money after drive of 20 mins home, so made sense :)

After meal everyone was heading to the pub so I just went for one, made my excuses and left......tbh I was about fit to burst.........I always am after a curry!!

So all went well............I managed to pull it off :)

thank you for all your wonderful 'excuses' they should keep me going until 12 weeks :) xx

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