I'm probably being over sensitive, but what do you think?


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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I havent seen or hardly heard from my best mate in weeks.... and I am starting to panic that I have done something to annoy or upset her. I know I havent but I keep replaying our last convos to think if there is anything she could have picked up wrong.

The very few texts I have had from her have been very short and to the point - which is not like her at all, usually all her texts are pages long!!
Then yesterday she sent me a text to say she was sorry she couldnt pop round after work with Arianna's gift as she had to pick up her Mum from her work..... I had sent her Mum a forward earlier in the day and got an "out of Office" reply until the 4th of Aug and I remembered her saying she was going to Lewis (where she is from for a few weeks as her SIL, my friends Aunt) is unwell.

Maybe I am reading too much into it. I have just sent an email out to my girly pals asking if they are up for a takeaway and wine night at mine a week on Fri, so I guess I'll just have to wait and see her reply.
Why dont you give her a call and ask her if you have upset her in any way? Thats what I would do hun :hug:
Snuggle said:
Why dont you give her a call and ask her if you have upset her in any way? Thats what I would do hun :hug:

See, that would make sence... but me being the silly idiot I am - am scared to say anything incase there is a completely innocent reason!! I dont like making any scenes!
But if you have been an idiot then you and your friend can have a laugh about it. If you're right and she is upset then you can sort it out rather than worrying about it. It might be nothing to do with you - she might have a problem in her life in other ways. :hug:
I agree with the others hun, call her! If it is an innocent mistake then she will have a laugh about it and you will hae your mind set at rest. If there is a problem then you cann have a chat about it and get it out in the open and resolve it, it may be a complete misunderstanding :hug:
she might be going through a bad time or something,or have something on her mind.I was just send a text asking if she'sok as you are just a bit worried as she has been so quiet and that you miss her.
I would either ring her or email her and just say "how are you?, you've been a bit quiet lately, is something up?"
maybe she made up a little white lie for a reason...perhaps she had forgotten to get Arianna a gift and felt bad so made up
a porky to buy her more time to go get a gift or something. As for the stuff about the texts etc maybe she's been extra busy or has something on her mind but doesn't want to "burden" you with it!
Only way to find out is to ask..hope its all ok! x
Well I called her last night while I was getting ready to go out and she seemed fine, we didnt have our usual 2hr yap, but I was going out and she had folks coming round.... she said she'll call me tonight so hopefully everything is fine and I was just being a silly mare! :D
Its probably nothing hun but I do understand how you feel because when your pregnant or have children it does seem like people treat you differently. Hope you get it sorted :hug:

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