I'm preganant!!!! 5 weeks and no symptoms?


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2011
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hi ladies, just found out today 'im 5 weeks pregnant! I took my test to the GP and he said it was a definite positive and the midwife will get in touch in the next 4 weeks. I don't have 1 symptom though. has this happened to anyone else??? I feel nothing? I can't believe its finally happened xxxxxxxxxxxxx
firstly congrats, and yes this is quite normal some ppl have no symptoms wat so eevr for a lil while dont panic x
thanks, just can't quite believe it. want to shout it from the rooftops! it's going to be a long 7 weeks until the first scan x
yes tell me about it i had mmc last yr so this time its been stressfull but i have a scan friday just for reasurance so its not to bad then 5 weeks wait for 12 week one god 5 weeks sounds ages lol x
Congratulations to you on your news, don't worry about symptsom, there may be some you may not have notticed and will realised later on, but make the most of it, they useally ramp up from 6 weeks onwards, mine always got worse again at 8 weeks

Brilliant news - enjoy x
Many congratulations to you!! I had my BFP at the weekend and it still hasn't sunk in!!
I had very sore boobs 2 weeks prior to getting my BFP and was convinced AF was on it's way! Very strange now though as they aren't anywhere near as sore as they were. I can't make sense of it!!

Wishing you a very happy and healthy 9 months!

Congratulations! Fantastic news :)
Not to make you dread the next week but my symptoms kicked in the day I hit 6 weeks. In a way it makes it more real because you have something to show not just a line on a stick.
Congrats again!
Congratulations :) exciting isnt it xxx
Congrats on your BPF!! I also didnt get any symptoms until I was 6 weeks either xx
Thanks ladies! I'll look forward to the symptoms! Lol hope you all have a healthy happy pregnancy Xx
Congratulations hun. Won't be long til your symptoms make an appearance! Xx
Hi and congratulations Sophs!! :bunny: :yay: :bunny: :yay: :bunny:

Don't worry about lack of symptoms, it's very normal :) xxx

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