Im poorly today :(


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
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Couldnt sleep at all last night but I put it down to being pregnant (poor baby Ryan gets the blame for everything bless him :lol: )

Anyway, I got up this morning and I cant keep any food down and I feel awful. Rang my mum (for sympathy cos OH is at work) and she said theres a 48 hour bug going round :roll:

So Im lying here with Josh's duvet round me starving but I cant eat anything cos I HATE being sick.

I can put up with being poorly but Ryan has been kicking me and I feel guilty incase he wants me to eat something, bless his little heart! :oops:
Awww :hug:

Have you tried good old toast yet?

There seems to be a lot of bugs at the mo, baba will be fine, have a easy day, hope you feel better tomorrow. :hug:

I had the 24 hour puking/pooing bug over Christmas and it's not nice!

if you can't eat anything just make sure that you're getting enough fluid and water to keep yourself hydrated.

That's the most important for you and Ryan.

Make sure your OH looks after you! Otherwise he may well get a lynch mob of pregnant women after him!

Put your feet up and try and sleep, that really helped me.

If you can't face water, have ice lollies... that's what I was living on for the day :D
Thank you both :hug:

Mmmmmmm ice lollies!! Im sending OH to the shops for some when he gets in lol :D
Awwwwwwwwwwww, hope you feel better soon! Enjoy your ice lollies :D
Sorry your feeling rough hun. I hope you feel better soon and thats its just one of them 24 hrs bugs.
Awww, poor poorly you!! I was going to suggest icy lollies as I reccommend everyone had them when they are ill, I hope you start to feel better soon xxx :hug: :hug:
if you like fizzy pop too coke is good for stomach probs bizairee as it sounds when i had gastro enteritis ( before preggers) it was recommended to me. it gives you sugar for a bit of energy.

stay curled up on the sofa and hope you are feeling better soon

Sorry to hear your not feeling well Kirsty, I know its sucks.

Try and keep your fluids up as much as possible and rest. x
i'm not ill but i've been eating ice lollies... love them! and eating ice cubes too, i like crunching them.

hope u feel better soon xx

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