im over it whole body arthritis and seizures no doctor help


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Sep 20, 2014
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Hi everyone..

Im sorry in advance but im beyond frustrated here. My story is that i got married and everything was fine until i start experiencing all this pain. My only health problem was somewhat controlled epilepsy but i was still able to drive i only had simple partial seizures. i was told my pain was fibro and nothing was wrong with me despite all my agony. So soon enough i got pregnant and im 39 weeks now.. Well low and behold a few months ago i find out everything is NOT fine. I havent driven since April because the epilepsy wound out of control.. the only medication i was given was Keppra and what did it do for me? Nothing! They wouldnt give me anything else because it might effect the baby. MEanwhile i lost my job since i had no way to get to work !! I also found i do NOT have fibro but Rheumatoid arthritis and Ankylosing spondylitis. So my rheumatologist slammed the door in my face because i was pregnant and said i cant start treatment until after baby. Well since April the auto immune rapidly progressed to the point i was crawling to the bathroom and all joints have been effected even my JAW. i just found a new rheumatologist who started me on class B sulfasalazine and i was told it would be 1-3 months for it to take effect and that complete remission would be unlikely since i have so many joints effected. thank god i didnt wait ANY longer even though the last rheumatologist called me selfish and told me to get my priorities straight because anything i take might effect the baby. That lady about had me on my death bed.

Well here i am at the end of my pregnancy and every doctor i have been to throughout this has blamed my disease on the baby and the pregnancy and how i got sick because of being pregnant, etc etc, they left me thinking this baby has caused me a disease , destroyed my life and my health. im so frustrated. i was finally labelled high risk last month after all this time. The doctors never cared to help me just my baby and left me in this agony. I was so excited when i first found out i was pregnant and now im so hateful and resentful. I keep feeling like this baby has ruined me and i dont know what to do. Maybe i just need some support here from other people in a similar situation. I just wanted my life back i never knew pregnancy could have this effect on a person. I wanted to care about my baby and have a family with my husband but now i just want this to be over and have my old life back before the disease. Why why why i cant understand. im so sad i dont know what to do and im afraid i will be so hateful now to the baby. :(
swimmingfish I can't offer advice but I just wanted to say what a wonderful strong woman you are (even if you dont feel like it). My mum was riddled with arthritis and would spend every day in pain, it was heartbreaking to see, I really really feel for you.

Its so wrong of the doctors to in effect 'put you on hold' while you are pregnant, at the very least you should have had some support mentally.

You have carried this child through adverse conditions, despite the pain you have been in your body has nurtured your child and when he/she arrives you will see the miracle you have achieved. I wish you all the best xxx
What ur going thro is horrible and it is a lot worse than what I went through. However , I was like u I was so excited to be pregnant after 6 months of trying we had been married 2 years and I really wanted a family. So it got to 6 weeks and one day I woke up and started being sick. I was actually excited thinking yes means I hve a healthy baby morning sickness is a good sign. Well I started being sick at 7am at six weeks and it didn't stop until 8 months later. I was sick every day somedays it would be 40 times in one go. I was weak my body was shutting down and I was loosing lots of fluid. I was admitted to hospital at 8 weeks for fluid and drugs. I spent 4 days trying to introduce food back into me with no luck. I spent the nxt 8 months in and out of hospital. I couldn't beleive this thing inside me was destroying me and my body. I resented the fact that I had lost myself I used to be so happy and healthy and I was depressed. To top it off at 9 months I developed oc and my liver was struggling. I couldn't take it anymore and I was induced at 38 weeks depressed and a shadow of my former self! Anyway the point to re story is that as soon as my baby girl was born all the depression and resentment I felt went and I have never known love like it. I promise u when u see what u have made all the horribleness will disappear and u won't regret a single thing I promise x
I suffer with inflammatory arthritis but have been unfortunate as they cannot disagnose which type of inflammatory arthritis it is. During my treatment with the consultant they were aware I was ttc so made sure I was given medication safe to use during pregnancy. I'm currently 9 weeks pregnant and still taking hydroxycholoroquine to manage my symptoms. I was told this is generally safe to use in pregnancy. I was also taking butrans patch for pain but decided to stop as it was a really strong pain killer and I didn't want it being in my babies system.. Though I was also told this was safe to use on a lower dose until towards the end of pregnancy. I'd speak with another consultant if possible for some advice as it doesn't seem correct to me. Good luck.
I have a friend who has ankylosing spondylitis and has known that something was wrong for about 20 years but was only diagnosed after the pain became so chronic that he was hospitalised for months. He has injections that he takes every 2 weeks but the drugs are all trial drugs so nothing is guaranteed to work. I can't offer much help but I will say that my friend is able to now work full time after once been bed bound so there is hope and it obviously wasn't pregnancy that made his condition worsen. I hope you get sorted once bubs is here xx

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