I'm out


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2008
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This morning I got my first AF after my miscarriage. I thought I'd be really upset about it but actually I was fine.

For some reason, that desperate need to get pregnant again has gone ~ I think because the m/c was so traumatic ~ and I've gone back to my old feeling of if it happens, it happens. I'm still going to do the ov kits as they're really helpful but I'm going to stop stressing about ttc and just let nature take its course.

My husband has really changed since all this happened and he's really geared up about having children and he's constantly asking me when we need to bd!! Actually, sex has become much more fun again and is no longer clinical, which has helped us both to relax.

Anyhoo...just thought i'd share my daily insight hahaha!!

xx :hug:
what a great attitude you have towards it all! I'm glad you're enjoying bding again etc. :hug:
:hug: glad ur ok. i too was pleasantly suprised at my ok-ness with 1st post-m/c af.

good luck :hug:
good luck hun, you sound like your on the right track :hug: :hug:
Glad you're taking it positively! I'm sure you'll be rewarded with a BFP soon :hug:
Thank you all :hug:

Waterlillie, I love your avatar!
So glad you are ok about it hun; I felt the same after my m/c and :hug:

Good luck hun :hug:
At least you know everything is working ok after your mc and you can enjoy yourself now and get bding. Glad your so possitive Hannah, its really nice to see. :hug:
Glad to hear you so positive good luck with ttc hope you get bfp soon x x
Good to hear your positive attitude :) Good luck for this month :pray:
Good news that everything is working ok. I bet you'll get a BFP v soon. Fingers crossed. x
I worked it out as being 33 days this month, which is normal for my cycle lengths so it's encouraging to know all is working well still!!

Here's hoping I won't have to wait another 20 months before I get my next bfp!!! :pray:

Good luck to all you lovely ladies ttc too :hug:

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