Im officially a breeding colony for...

Jen & Her Men

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2007
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stretch marks. :(

I bloody hate the little critters. :wall: I did ok with James's pregnancy and just got a few beneath my belly button on either side but it appears they are on a mission to procreate this time around and are steadily making progress up my belly...

They get me down soooo much! Sorry to sound so shallow ladies!! I dont know what it is tbh...I see pics of other girls with stretch marks and think "oh it doesnt matter they are really pretty and no one will see em anyway and they will fade etc etc" and I can see that they are only a tiny and insignificant part of us ladies and that they really pale into insignificance when you look at the bigger picture of how someone looks and how lovely they are as a person, and also how worth it they are for the little bundles of joy we get at the end of it all....BUT i dont seem to be able to apply all of this sane thinking to myself!! I just feel ruined. Which is ridiculous I know. But I cant help it. If I google "new treatment for stretchmarks" one more time I think Im going to chop my own hands off!! :lol:

Sorry just had to get that out!! Anyone else completely obsessed with the buggers or is it just me??!
I was really lucky in my first pregnancy and only got a couple on my hips, so thought I'd got away with it. Then my second and third babies were huge and the buggers got me with a vengeance! All over my tummy. Tbh, they've never bothered me hugely and they have faded well.

Don't seem to have any new ones this time. I know my belly won't be on public display again unless I can afford a tummy tuck at some point in the future! Four babies will have seen to that! So I just don't think about it - can't change it so not worth my concern. I promise they will fade.
i highly recommend Bio Oil,i use it it my bath or u can rub it on them and over time it really does fade them. :hug:

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