I'm now scared


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2008
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I dont post much on here but i feel as though i now need as much info as i can get.
Just had call from my MW regarding my triple test results.
1 in 35.
I have to go for a detailed scan on Friday with optional amnio.I have always said the results wouldn't make any differance (i'm 42),last pregnancy i was 1 in 98,no problems with DS.But 1 in 35 to me feels a whole lot more worrying.
I am rearly scared now.
It must be very worrying having to have the further investigations, but just keep in your mind that 1 in 35 is still only a 2-3% chance and it's still unlikely there is anything wrong.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you and good luck with the extra tests :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug:

Sorry, I've not got any advice as such - I'm waiting my results currently. To echo Kirsty, there's still a 34/35 chance that all's fine. Will the scan give you more info before you decide whether to have the amnio?
To be honest i rearly don't think i will be having the amnio.I'm hopeing that the scan will show or not show any markers.
We won't terminate but i feel as though i want to prepare myself,if at all you can prepare yourself for something like this.
Hi :)

My results came back 1 in 130, and i'm only 21, so it was alot more off than it should have been..

went for my scan, couldn't see a thing wrong with baby, i flat out refused the amnio - there's a higher risk of miscarriage than there was for the baby to be born with downs.

:) thinking of you hun.
i really hope everything is ok hun, try not to worry, I know easier said than done, thinking of you hun :hug: :hug: :hug:
will keep everything crossed for you and hope things turn out ok :hug: :hug:
Good luck, hope you get some answers from the scan. Like you said, it's not a question of terminating - just being prepared. I'll be thinking of you :hug:
trish5566 I am 42 also - our consultant advised us against having the triple blood test (we did pay privately for a nuchal scan) as the results are usually very negative for "older" mums. I will :pray: your LO is fine at your scan.

Jane x
Good luck for your scan hun, I don't have any advice but try and not worry too much (I know it's easier said than done though) :hug:
Hey hun,

I know exactly what your going through.

I got a result of 1/270 and i was really worried as my friends was 1/3000 (im 21, fit and healthy so couldnt understand why mine was low). So I looked into it further. We wr're given the detailed scan and they found something in the babys head, we were then offered the amnio.

My partner and I decided to go ahead as we wanted to know and be prepared. I had the amnio yesterday and although it didnt hurt it was horrible.

We got the results for downsyndrome today (we are very impressed) and all is clear. Now I just have to be careful for the week.

The advice i would give is, if you wouldnt terminate the baby whatever the result then I wouldnt go ahead with the amnio. If you wanted to be certain then I would.

Good luck with the scan, fingers crossed they dont find anything!! :pray:

If you want to talk about anything....

xxxxxx :hug:
Oh Trish :hug: like everyone has said it is still far more likely everything is fine than not I refused the triple test as I didn't see the point in getting myself worked up. If it happens it happens and I will cope and I am sure you will be the same :hug:
Sorry hun, I don't have much good advice but didn't want to read and run.. I'm sure everyone on here will be thinking of you and wishing you all the luck for your scan, and like others have said, it's still a very small risk, so hopefully it will all be OK. :hug: :hug:
Thankyou ladies.
I dont know if i should be feeling like this but today i am so much more relaxed about it.It's not that i don't care what the outcome is,it's more i'm concerned as apposed to scared sh##less yesterday.
Of course i still want a happy healthy baby but what is,is,and we will cope .
Well had my detailed scan today,i know it doesn't give a 100% yes/no for downs but there were no obvious markers!!I do know it is still possible but i'm not worried.
And it's team

Oh that's so wonderful! :cheer: :cheer: Bet you're thrilled! One of each, how perfect! So glad everything seems fine as weel, hopefully now you can get on and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy. Congratulations on your little girl :hug:

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