I'm not excited as I should be


Active Member
Jun 29, 2014
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Ok so here's the story cut short....

I had a miscarridge last month, I stopped bleeding on the 14/07. On the 16th I went for a check up scan to make sure it had all came away and it did.

On the 29th of July I did a pregnancy test to see if all my hormones had gone back to normal and as i thought it came back negative. I haven't had a period since I stopped bleeding and the doctor said I could bleed for about 2 to 3 weeks after.

But no sign of it and I thought i'd of had one by now, so I decided to a test again yesterday as I started with backache and being very tired for the past week which is the symptoms I started with before. And to my surprise it tested Postive.

I had in my mind that because I wanted to get pregnant I wouldn't.....

I'm actually more scared then happy as I don't want to go through it again.
Im so sorry for your loss hun. What you are feeling is perfectly normal. After my last mc I was so scared I decided no more. 6 month later and by some miracle I was pregnant again. I completely expected the worse. I am now 22 weeks pregnant and so excited although a little nervous.
It might not happen again and everything maybe fine this time. Just try relax and once you know all is ok I promise the excitement will come
Thank you for re assurance I really appreciate it ^^

I'm hoping this time will be better as I've noticed a few things different than last time. Like my breasts are getting more tender and I feel sick (not actually sick but more like queasy' Which I never had on my last one.

Me and my partner said we're not going to tell anyone about it yet apart from our parents.
Hey. I fell pregnant again four weeks after a MMC and was terrified. Didn't tell anyone until after my 12 week scan. Everything was fine and I now have a gorgeous ten week old baby girl asleep on my chest. I paid for a private scan at 7 weeks and I must say it was the best £120 I ever spent xxxx
Hi hun

Sorry for your loss. I think it's totally understandable to be scared after going through a miscarriage - you're trying to protect yourself in case the worst happens again, it is a devastating feeling. I hope everything works out for you xx

Sorry for your loss. The same thing happened to me. I've been told that getting pregnant straight after a miscarriage is usually a good thing. The baby is usually much stronger/stickier. I don't know if it's a old-wives-tale, but it made me feel better.

Will you have an early scan? I had one at 7+4 and saw a heartbeat. That really helped. (It also gave us a date because I had no idea when I had started ovulating again.) Up until that point I don't think I really believed it was happening. I knew I was pregnant, but was just waiting for the bleeding to start. I know that sounds horrible, but I just couldn't accept it. I still have hysterical days, but try to be positive.

You're pregnant. It's a good start. :)
Hey mrs I could have written ur post myself. I had a d&c for MMC on June 9th and 8wks later got a positive test. We r now 5+3 and every day is just one step closer to a scan which is both good but also terrifying. I'm so scared that we will go and they say it's happening again :-( only me, oh and my best friend know. X
Hi, I had a MMC in October 2013 and am currently 7+6. I too am extremely anxious and cannot feel excited and am not planning on telling anyone for a while yet. I had an early scan a few day ago and it reassured me for about five minutes, I feel like I'm just waiting for something to go wrong :(

Hi, I have just recently joined again this forum. I lost my baby about 3 months ago at 35 weeks. I am too very nervous and scared and I haven't even fallen pregnant again. I actually am expecting it to not happen for a while. I can only but give you a little comfort in saying you are so not alone and until your baby arrives in your arms, it will most likely be a very anxious time for all the are pregnant after loss. I would suggest that everytime you feel worried or scared, go see you gp to get reassurance for your baby. Also request a scan as they have no reason to say no to you.

Its such a horrible thing to go through but I wish you a very healthy pregnancy and try to enjoy it a little for you are carrying a little person who needs your hope xx
So sorry to read of your losses ladies, my sister in law sadly had a miscarriage last autumn. She had a scan at what should have been around 10 weeks but the measurements were only 7 weeks and after a painful few weeks of desperate hope followed by scans that showed no different she had to go into hospital. This was around November. On Boxing day she got a BFP and my gorgeous nephew was born 17 days ago.

She was so nervous that she needed to hit 14 weeks in her head (the point she should have been at in the first pregnancy when she had to have her procedure) before she could even begin to tell people and it was a tense few months. I haven't been through it myself but I saw how massively it knocked their confidence. It is totally understandable.

I also had a chum who had a rainbow baby really quickly after a loss and she was very stoic about how it was what was meant to be so she could have the baby she had, but never forgot the baby she lost either. :hugs:

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