I'm not eating or drinking enough


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
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I am quite worried cause i am not eating or drinking properly, everyone keeps saying "well eat/drink more then!" but that is easier said than done when you really dont fancy anything and the more i try to force stuff down the more i end up feeling very sick and not being able to swallow.

I end up feeling really hungry but just dont fancy anything, i know this is supposed to be common in the first tri but i am worried now because i am thinking that lo isnt getting everything they need.

Can anyone give me any advice or has anyone else been like this and had a perfectly healthy baby?
I'm in the same boat I'm afraid, I'm just never hungry and if I am, by the time I cooked it I don't want it anymore!
Wish I could help :)
I worry about the same thing although i think i eat enough just don't keep it down...I just take the multi vits and think my baby is getting the vits he/she needs
Hi Hun

I know exactly what you mean though thankfully that phase has just about passed for me.

Baby will get all he/she needs from you so don't worry about him/her. BUT if you're not taking in enough for yourself, then essentially your own vitamins/minerals will deplete to supply the baby and you could get ill. Are you taking a pregnancy vitamin supplement? I know you don't fancy anything but can you manage small snacks - say half a tuna sandwich or something?

You also need to keep drinking plenty of water otherwise you'll become dehydrated and end up feeling even worse with headaches/drowsiness etc.

PS - re. your question about whether anyone had this problem and still had a healthy baby - there are millions of starving women in the world all of whom have very healthy babies - this happens because the body is designed to support your baby's nutritional needs before your own - as I said above all that happens is your own vitamin reserves become depleted. So DON'T worry about baby, just try and keep yourself as healthy as possible.

Hope it passes soon for you

I didn't get this problem fortunately but I was worried about how much I needed to eat for twins so had a chat with the MW and my consultant. They both said pretty much what littlebump has said.

If you are not eating enough, supplements are a must. I was told not too worry as I have a pretty healthy diet. If you are not taking them, i would recommend some now.

They also said that most of the weight gain needs to happen more in tri 3 - i hadn't put on hardly any weight at 14 week stage and they said that's fine. I'm just starting to get heavier now. You should be feeling much better by then

i know how you feel, people try to get me to eat more cakes, puddings etc saying "you are eating for 3 now" but MW told me that's rubbish really

Thanks for that, its made me feel so much better, i never thought of it that way. Which makes me sound very ignorant about the people who are starving :(

I'm horrible.

Thanks though girls :hug: to you all.
twinmummy2be said:
I didn't get this problem fortunately but I was worried about how much I needed to eat for twins so had a chat with the MW and my consultant. They both said pretty much what littlebump has said.

If you are not eating enough, supplements are a must. I was told not too worry as I have a pretty healthy diet. If you are not taking them, i would recommend some now.

They also said that most of the weight gain needs to happen more in tri 3 - i hadn't put on hardly any weight at 14 week stage and they said that's fine. I'm just starting to get heavier now. You should be feeling much better by then

i know how you feel, people try to get me to eat more cakes, puddings etc saying "you are eating for 3 now" but MW told me that's rubbish really

Don't eat for 3! I put on 4 stone with the twinnies and most of that was in tri 3!!! I had the appetite of a horse, when I could still fit it i :shock: :D :hug: n anyway !

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