I'm new!!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2008
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Hi Everyone
I'm very new to this and just recently found out that i am pregnant for the first time!!! I had a very early miscarriage at the beginning of November, then 6 weeks later i still hadn't got my period so i thought i had better do a pregnancy test which tirned out positive!!! I've since done another test and that is positive too! I waited this long because i thought my period was just irregular after my miscarriage. I'm not sure how i can work my dates out apart from waiting for my 1st scan, it is 7 weeks from my miscarriage so maybe i'll just say 7 weeks. I have a doctors appointment on 24th(Christmas Eve) so i'll wait and see. Has anyone else experienced similar situation? I'm 36 and very anxious!!
Looking forward to chatting.
Debbie x
:wave: Hello!

I had a m/c at 5 weeks in November too - and got BFP straight away like you.

Hope you have a happy healthy pregnancy and enjoy your time in First Tri!
Thank you. I was 5 weeks too, it happened on the 4th Nov. Have you just worked out your dates from your mc?
The doctor said to me that with a m/c that early you just count the first day you started bleeding as the first day of your period - and first day of your last period is where they start counting your pregnancy from.
Thats what i thought. Do you feel any different to the first time? I had alot of cramping the first time which i don't seem to have this time. I felt really dizzy last week which isn't as bad now, but my boobs are knacking!!!!!
My symptoms are stronger this time round which can only be a good thing! I've had the usual painful boobs, starving hungry and the sickness has kicked in today. Also have ended up in A&E with what turns out to be low blood pressure due to Count Twinkula pinching all my blood! :lol:

This baby better be a sticky after all the trouble he's causing!!!!
Oh no, hope you are feeling better now. I haven't been sick yet but felt abit queasy! I just can't wait until my 1st scan, have you got a date for yours?
Hey Hun :wave: Welcome and congratulations on your BFP! :cheer:

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