Im new...bit about me and my bump!


Aug 11, 2005
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Hi all.

Just registered here and will have a good look through all the topics in a sec!

Well I am Michelle, I am 21 weeks pregnant (and counting...). I live in Ascot and my Fiance and I own a coffee shop/wine bar which is great fun, amonst other little business ventures we have going on.

My Fiance Tony and I have been together for 2.5 years, got engaged on Xmas Eve last year. We planned to get married later this year but...a little bump seems to have got in the way (not that we mind!!).

I was diagnosed with Endometriosis and Polycystic Ovaries about 6 years ago and was told there was little chance of me conceiving naturally so this is out little miracle baby. I had tried fertility pills and they didn't work and then it happened completely naturally out of the blue. It is the most amazing experience for both of us so far, no sickness nothing, Im so lucky. Got my second scan tomorrow at 2pm and am so excited to see the little one, especially now I can feel it moving around. We have decided to find out if it is a boy or girl, not that we mind, just impatient.

Only problem I have so far is that Tony is so nervous and squeemish about the birth I am not getting the total support I had hoped for in that department, although he is so excited about the baby, he is really panicing (and he has the easy bit!!!!!!!). Im not worried at all, don't care how much it hurts or anything just to have our precious and longed for baby in my arms.

Well that's about it from me for now. Hope to chat with some of you soon.

Michelle xx
hi michelle and welcome im new too and ttc, everybody here is real friendly.
good luck with your scan and i hope you have a happy healthy pregnancy
:D xxx
Welcome to the site :D Congrats on your miracle pregnancy and look forward to hearing what sex your baby is


Welcome to the site!

I work very close to Ascot (in Egham)

Hope all goes really well for you!

:D :D
Welcome, this palce is great it has been a god send to me, and has put my mind at rest over so many things, and all the people are great.

Congratulations let us know how everything goes with ur next scan.

bec x x
Hi Michelle

Congratulations on the pregnancy and hope it all goes smoothly, Im Sian mum to Mia 4 and Seth 2 and ttcing for number three.

Congratulations again

Sian xx

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