I'm measuring...


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2006
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2 weeks overdue :think:

But the good thing is my midwife said the head is way way down as far as it will go before making it's way out...and she said i have a pelvis like a bus :rotfl: so hopefully a natural birth should be fine for me :cheer:

I'm due tomorrow but ive got to go back next week if i've not had her for an induction date :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Gosh it's so real now :cheer:
how exciting...

if my midwife says i have a pelvis like a bus id slap her lol
Hopefully things start up asap then Jade and you wont need to see MW next week for that induction date :D
Hopefully things will happen soon for you! :cheer: :cheer:
ooo.. its so exciting! :cheer:

"pelvis like a bus" !! :rotfl: not heard that one before!
samrbtson said:
ooo.. its so exciting! :cheer:

"pelvis like a bus" !! :rotfl: not heard that one before!

Just realised we are due the same day ha how stupid am I :lol: :cheer:
wow...thats cool...you can have a race

im taking bets now :rotfl: :rotfl:
so we have! lol, hadn't noticed :) however i have to be induced early, at 37 weeks.

I swear though, if one more person had said to me "ooo.. wont that make a lovely xmas present!" i think i would have murdered them! :twisted:
samrbtson said:
so we have! lol, hadn't noticed :) however i have to be induced early, at 37 weeks.

I swear though, if one more person had said to me "ooo.. wont that make a lovely xmas present!" i think i would have murdered them! :twisted:

Damn! so your proberly going to beat me then! :hug: Goodluck :hug:

Yes I have had the same too :roll: , I also get " you didnt plan that one very well did you?" :roll:

It just goes in one ear and out the other now, lol or I give a sarky comment :lol:

How come you have to be induced, I'm not nosey at all :fib:
ive got Obs. Cholestasis. Protocol is to induce at 37 weeks, because the risk of stillbirth. my induction date 4th december! Il be 37+1. Mixture of excitment and nerves! Im missing my 'normal' pregnancy at the mo. Ive got less (shoping) time to get everything ready though!

My fav response was, "oh your the first person to say that" in a little sarky voice! if I couldn't be bothered i would just say end of december.

Sorry jade, seem to have nicked your thread... il stop now :) Hopefully your LO will make its grand entrance but if not, let us know your induction date! I love knowing exactly when to expect LO (if all runs smoothly!). :hug:
samrbtson said:
ive got Obs. Cholestasis. Protocol is to induce at 37 weeks, because the risk of stillbirth. my induction date 4th december! Il be 37+1. Mixture of excitment and nerves! Im missing my 'normal' pregnancy at the mo. Ive got less (shoping) time to get everything ready though!

My fav response was, "oh your the first person to say that" in a little sarky voice! if I couldn't be bothered i would just say end of december.

Sorry jade, seem to have nicked your thread... il stop now :) Hopefully your LO will make its grand entrance but if not, let us know your induction date! I love knowing exactly when to expect LO (if all runs smoothly!). :hug:

:( Awww doesnt sound like youve had a good time of it really, well at least you know when your bubba will be here and she will be safe and sound :hug: goodluck.

lol yes I have said that too, tho most just laugh becuase they dont get sarcasim :roll:

Yes sorry Jade shall stop taking over your topic now :doh:


Lets hope you dont need to be induced :hug:
thanx all, was havin pains last night and tonight, only 2 each night though then they dissapear! :wall:

Could do with probably going overdue though, ive got to move back into my mums before baby comes :shock: rush rush rush, like I need it right now :roll:
Jade89 said:
thanx all, was havin pains last night and tonight, only 2 each night though then they dissapear! :wall:

Could do with probably going overdue though, ive got to move back into my mums before baby comes :shock: rush rush rush, like I need it right now :roll:

How come you gotta move back into your mums babe?
the job my o.h had was a pretty dodgey trade really, if theres no work, u don't get paid :( and a few days ago he got the phone call saying there's no work until the week after (which would mean no money for a week) and even that work aint gaurenteed yet...I got really upset and I knew we couldn't carry on like that in our own house (rent is expensive) plus bills, shopping and a baby too...so he went out and got another job straight away but it doesn't pay much and we still can't afford to live in our house, so until tax credits are sorted were going to move in my mums, she had offered me the biggest room and what not, and OH will be gone from 6am to 6pm so I could use my mums help really.

What a time to happen though :(
Aww hun, that's not so good. But at least you'll have your mum on hand to help you out which is a major plus! :hug: :hug:

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