I'm losing my mind!

Mrs M 80

New Member
Jul 21, 2017
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I'm new on here but wondering if anyone has any hep on coping with the monthly disappointment of finding that yet again I'm not pregnant! I came off the pill 18 months ago and for the last 6 months have been trying for a baby using opk each month.
My husband just doesn't seem to understand how much it is affecting me, I guess he isn't the one counting down the days to see whether or not I could be pregnant.
I've got to the point where I am in tears on a regular basis and when anyone announces their pregnancy news, whilst I'm obviously happy for them it just feels like a kick in the teeth.
I don't feel like I can speak to anyone about this and so thought venting on here and reading about people in a similar situation may help me feel less alone- I think I'm becoming obsessed and "not thinking about it" just isn't that easy!
Bless you, I do know how hard it is and it's so easy to feel alone.

If it's been that long since you came off the pill you should visit your Gp for some tests xx
Absolutely! It is really disappointing, there's nothing that can curb the feeling I get when I see AF and know my hopes are smashed. Life is a cruel mistress.
However, there are things to try such as Agnus Castus, Soy Isotones, omega oils, vitamin c, conceive plus etc.
People on here have tips and success stories and actually you will find alot of ladies who have had to wait for a while after coming off BC to conceive.
In my case I conceive but it doesn't last longer than a couple of weeks whereby I come on my period either a bit late or early.
The reason I know is that I have used early tests for alot of cycles, get positives and even positive digitals but then the lines start to fade and I spot for a while and then bleed.

There is support here and a place to let off steam so that's good, my oh doesn't really get it either, he really wants a baby but he says 'if it happens, it happens' which is about as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike!

Good luck and hopefully you will get your BFP soon xx
That must be even more upsetting getting a positive buts still not knowing what is going on!
I've told myself I will give it a few more months then see the doctor thought I think I'm scared to see a doctor even though in my mind I know it's what needs to. E done.
You just always presume when you decide to try for a baby it will be the happiest time of your life but as many of us on here are finding it is probably the most stressful and upsetting process ever!.
I'm going to trying to feel positive-right in my fertile window at the moment- hubby had"a headache" already thinking this month is a washout for ttc so trying to put it to the back of my mind and busy myself since its weekend
It's an awful time when you try month after month. My emotions are all over the place. Last year I was totally consumed with trying that I didn't let myself enjoy all the happy times I had with my husband and family. I feel that last year was just me going from month to month tracking cycles. I try now to stay as possitive as I can and enjoy what I have at the moment. It's normal to feel upset when others mention pregnancies.i just try and picture myself telling family and friends one day and how excited I'll be. I went to my doctor and felt like a weight was taken off my shoulder just speaking to somone other than my husband. I hope you get good news very soon x
It really is something that no one prepares you for. My OH is so supportive but I know he doesn't really get what I'm going through no matter how hard he tries. Also if I'm honest, I don't get how he feels as typically men and women do seem to deal with these issues very differently. I think important thing is keeping talking to each other. For us, it's important in keeping our relationship strong but at the same time helps us accept that we will deal with things differently and that's ok.

I've found it can be difficult to get support from others and personally I've been very private about our difficulties TTC. Only a select few people know and although they mean well I've been hit with a few insensitive comments. I'm trying not to take things personally but it's really shown me how ignorant people are the the emotional distress TTC can cause if they have never experienced difficulties themselves.

Some months are better than others for me emotionally but now me and OH are recognising the signs and managing things a bit better!! I've also started doing acupuncture which is calming me down a bit and allows me to let off a bit of steam. This forum is also really useful for that.

I would also recommend seeing your GP sooner rather than later. On a positive side, I felt it really helped me to feel like I was doing something especially when we have so little control over it. I was lucky in that my GP was very supportive but I know from other ladies on here that it's not always the case so you need to be prepared for it to take a bit of time to find someone who actually listens to you!! Also the time it takes for various tests soon adds up. Although I know we're going in the right direction, some days I feel very frustrated by how long we seem to wait between appointments!!

I hope this is helpful - I realise I've rambled a bit!!! Good luck!!!

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