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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2005
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hi all just a quick update and a huge thankyou :hug:
thanks to everyone who has listened to all my moans and groans throughout this pregnancy you all deserve medals for putting up with me :oops: :hug: :hug: :hug:

the twins have finally been transferred this morning back to our original hospital they are both doing really well and are in the nursery section of SCBU which apparently is the last step before home although we still dont have a clue when that will be they have both had some minor problems but nothing long term

Owain had difficulties breathing when born and was on a cpap for a few days he is now all ok except he hasnt a clue how to suck so is still being fed through a nasal tube with a syringe and we are trying bottles once or twice a day other than that he is a little jaundiced but below treatment levels :D

Ryan was well at birth but developed a problem with blood sugars which has now settled down hes very jaundiced but still below treatment levels just about and at the moment is having trouble with platelet levels we dont know why so they are testing his blood daily and keeping an eye on them apparently they should be at least 150 his started at 101 rose to 111 then took a dive to 73 we were told if they dropped any lower he would be at risk of bleeding and would need a transfusion but they have now risen back up to 118 so its looking ok at the moment :pray: we are just hoping now that they continue to rise :D

i am now home and have been discharged although i have to have the community nurse in every day to dress my wound but its improving every day :D obviously i wont be on much at the moment as i will be spending most of my time at the hospital with the babies but will keep you all updated as much as i can

huge thanks to URCHIN for keeping everyone updated :hug: :hug: :hug:

and thanks to everyone for all your kind messages il be back soon :wave: xxxxxxxxx
Aww hun, so glad to see you and that things are going in the right direction!
It seems so fuuny seeing your signature bar saying 'only 28 days to go'. Sounds like you've been through quite a lot but everything's under control. take care and accept as much TLC as humanely possible, looking forward to seeing photo's of the boys, have never seen any tiny babies in 'real life', must look so doll-like!
Congratualations to to you, and your family-you must be very proud.
aww Rach, they will be home with you before you know it
well done x :hug:
:cheer: Glad you are home and I hope Ryan and Owain get to join you there very soon :hug:
Take care Hun
congratulations hunni they will be home with you before you know it :hug: :hug:
It must be so nice to be back home honey, I'm really pleased for you and it's great to hear the boys have been transfered. Big hugs to you and a hugh congratulations to you and all your family. :hug: :hug:
Its so lovely to hear from you and Im sure I can speak for everyone when we I say how much you have been missed :hug:

So glad to hear the twins are getting better, and I am sure they will be home with you very soon....

Big :hug: :hug: :hug: to you and your little boys!!
Awww take care hun!! The boys will be home before you know it! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:wave: Hi Rach, so glad to hear from you. Congratulations on your beatiful boys. I am really pleased they are well and hopefully will be home with you very soon. You have to post more pictures then right. P xxx :hug: :hug: :hug:
Good to see you rach :D

Glad you are home and hope the twins join you very soon :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Lovely to have you back Rach, your boys look adorable. I'm glad they are coming on so well :hug:

Jane x
Hi Rach, glad your home and I'm glad the boys are doing well and hope they will be home with you soon. x :hug:
:wave: :wave: hiya hun, congratulations and glad the boys are doing well :hug: :hug:
aww rach well done :cheer:

so glad the boys sound like they are doing fab and will be home with you soon, take care hun xx
Welcome home Rach :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Hopefully it won't be too long before your lil boys will be home too :hug: :hug:
Keep strong, be proud and smug that you have 2 gorgoeus little boys, They are beautiful. Hope you recover soon xxx

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