Im gonna be getting ready to...


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2008
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Try again....yep TTC! I just want a baby so bad....everyone tells me I should wait...but I just cant.

I havent actually TTC before....I did buy an ovulation kit, and have PG tests there anyway.....

I was just wondering if anyone had any tips on anything! like charting, using the ovulation kits...or things that help you concieve?
I completely understand and I'm trying again, I'm not even going to wait for an AF first. So we can try together, I hope we both concieve really quickly :hug: :hug:

Temping/charting is probably the most accurate (as it can show if you have definitly ovulated) but for me ovulation tests and checking CM work best.

Before the pregnancy I knew my cycle and could tell approx when I would be due to ovulation and a few days before I'd start testing with the sticks to pin point approx ovulation and I'd get faint lines that got stronger than weeker as I passed ovulation, also checking my CM I'd know I was getting more fertile.

But as this month I've no idea when my first AF will be I've no idea when I'll ovulate (also I've had no sign of ANY cm, let alone fertile cm) so since my scan last week, that confirmed my miscarriage, I've been doing an opk test every other day, so far no lines no matter how faint. I'm now wondering if I ov'd between my miscarriage and the scan, if I did AF could be any day (and we didn't BD as I was feeling so low so I couldn't have gotten pregnant then).

I got my opk's off babymad on ebay so I've got about 30 tests (for about £7) so I don't mind wasting a few.

If you're thinking of charting post a question on the chart stalkers thread in the trying to conceive section, I'm sure the ladies there will be very helpful.

Sorry I didn't mean to post such a large reply!!

Good luck and I hope you'll get a BFP soon :hug: :hug:

By the way we conceived first month of trying properly, I think it was a combination of getting a strong positive OPK (and BD'ing immediatly), me then having my legs in the air for 20 mins, TMI but making sure I came after him, if you see what I mean :oops: and with christmas coming I was able to keep really busy for the next couple of weeks so didn't have too much time to think and worry if it had worked or not.
Thanks very much girls! some useful tips there and im grateful for any!

Sarah...people tell me to wait too, but im just doing what feels right to me...and that is to try straight away.

Mrs_Metal...I will be glad to have a TTC buddy, we have been thru alot at the exact same time already :hug:
Lianatoot said:
Mrs_Metal...I will be glad to have a TTC buddy, we have been thru alot at the exact same time already :hug:

Sound great to me, we all need someone to support and cheer us on :hug: :hug:

It would be fantastic if you, sarah and me ended up in first tri together :pray:

Sarah & Liana, I agree with you both, we all know what our emotions and bodies are telling us and if we're ready to try again then we're ready! I couldn't stand getting to the due date for the baby I lost and not being pregnant again, that would be almost as bad as loosing the baby all over again :cry: Even if I am pregnant by then it will still be hard but at least I'd have the new baby to look forward to.

Physically I feel fine, my body is healed and definitley ready to cope with a new pregnancy and emotionally I'm very, very nearly there. For once in my life I think I've handled it properly, I've spent a lot of time talking about it to my husband and a couple of close friends (instead of burying the feelings like I usually do!) and I can't wait to be pregnant again.

:hug: :hug: and good luck to all of us
Exact same with me....I feel a whole lot better! 2 weeks ago, I thought I would never smile again! but I have a new job (just got it yesterday) and I dont have to go back to my old stressful job...That in itself has lifted a heavy weight!

I am even going out tonight with the girls!!! There are 5 of us, who all in our way have been through alot, so were having a "forget all our problems and have a good laugh" night!

2 weeks ago...I defo didnt think I would be going out to have a drink, or looking forward to something again! and wow...I am! I feel a whole lot better...

I stil cry when I think about the baby we lost....I am crying again now...Thats something I will never forget, and I dont think I will ever fully get over...but something had to give, I was driving myself mad!

And like you...I just wanta be pregnant again...and am wishing for that day! IN the meantime, im just gonna cope anyway I can!

That's fantastic news :cheer: I'm soo glad you got your new job, how wonderful not to have to go back to your horrid old job :D when are you starting?

Good on you going out, have a fantastic time, celebrate your new job and forget all your troubles for the evening, good friends can really help us through the hard times :hug:

I haven't had a drink since about october so I think if still no sign of ov tomorrow I'll raise a glass or two myself, it won't take much efford to get hubby to the pub :rotfl:
Some ppl may disagree but i believe that sometimes trying again can help with the painful memories of having a loss, not that it will ever be erased but I do remember how miserable every month I came on It ws like going through it all over again.

Only you ladies know whats right go with your heart and if you know thats right then no one can tell ya different!

Best of luck!!!!


Steelgoddess said:
Some ppl may disagree but i believe that sometimes trying again can help with the painful memories of having a loss, not that it will ever be erased but I do remember how miserable every month I came on It ws like going through it all over again.

Only you ladies know whats right go with your heart and if you know thats right then no one can tell ya different!

Best of luck!!!!



you are right there sharne....its 7 months today since i lost my angel....5th month of trying. Every month i feel a total failure to my OH, like im not good enough to have our child. We both know we can conceive, hell he has a 4 year old son! and obviously i can get pregnant.

Its gonna be so hard the end of this cycle...AF due on the 29th, my due date was the 1st of march so im either gonna be on AF for my due date or testing. Im gonna be such a wreck!
Good luck ladies, we deserve all the happiness we can have. :hug:
well ladies all i want to say is the best of luck to you all TTC again.

My advice to you all, after going through my MC i wanted to try again straight away, despite everyone telling me not to.... anyway i did and i did not expect to get caught pregnant again so quickly. All i did was take things easy and relaxed, i didn't do the charting/temping as this put more pressure on me and OH and after our loss we didn't want the upset every month when the witch got me....... we found doing this and just knowing round about what time to have sex ( not exactly) we got busy at it, making it more about having fun and being close than baby making.

Just what worked for me, thought id share.
Sending you lots of babydust and good luck xxxx
Oh Sarah :hug: I'll be thinking of you on the 1st :hug:

Really really hope you get your BFP :hug: :hug:

I posted one another thread about this - at the end of the day follow your heart.

All the best to those TTC after miscarriage - have been there too so I can really sympathise - hope it happens for you all very soon. :hug:
Thanks girls!

I start my new job this tuesday. I am a bit nervous about it I just found at that Lochlins dad's girlfriend works there (does life never just go smooth???) I am not that bothered about it, I just hope she dosent start on me about why I dont let him see Lochlin cos that is a whole new story! bah!...anyway...sorry went off topic!

I had a great time out with the girls...only managed 3 drinks and I was drunk lol think cos I havent had a drink for so long?? maybe that or im a lightweight ha!

I think, as you say Sara I am just gonna enjoy being close with Paul again and just have fun, rather than the whole charting bit...if I dont get pregnant then I will think about that in a few months.

I hope that you get that BFP Sarah, and I will be thinking about you on the 1st! :hug:
hey Liana,

Goodluck with the nu job hun, and the ttc again, u never know we might get oor BFP's together n be in AMU together. :hug:
Just wondering if anyone else uses the ovulation kits off ebay, I was thinking off getting them.
LOL! wouldent that be cool Kazz! I will glady be your TTC buddy too! It really helps to have support!!!

If anyone chats on MSN...and wants to add me then feel free, just PM me and I will give you my addy, if you prefer to chat on here thats cool too. :hug:
yeah it would be cool hun! Yeah we can be TTC buds :hug:

I'll pm u now wi ma msn addy too. :D
Lianatoot said:
Just wondering if anyone else uses the ovulation kits off ebay, I was thinking off getting them.

Hi Lianatoot, I used the ovulation test sticks off ebay last time and I'm going to be using them again this time. They work for me although some people don't get on with them so well. Because they're so cheap I don't mind how many I pee on :lol: and I find them more sensitive than boots own :D

I've been testing since 6th feb and still no sign of ov :( mnd you if I'd used that many shop bought ones I'd have had to get a second mortgage!
Lianatoot said:
Just wondering if anyone else uses the ovulation kits off ebay, I was thinking off getting them.

i use them(well started using them the other week)

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