I completely understand and I'm trying again, I'm not even going to wait for an AF first. So we can try together, I hope we both concieve really quickly
Temping/charting is probably the most accurate (as it can show if you have definitly ovulated) but for me ovulation tests and checking CM work best.
Before the pregnancy I knew my cycle and could tell approx when I would be due to ovulation and a few days before I'd start testing with the sticks to pin point approx ovulation and I'd get faint lines that got stronger than weeker as I passed ovulation, also checking my CM I'd know I was getting more fertile.
But as this month I've no idea when my first AF will be I've no idea when I'll ovulate (also I've had no sign of ANY cm, let alone fertile cm) so since my scan last week, that confirmed my miscarriage, I've been doing an opk test every other day, so far no lines no matter how faint. I'm now wondering if I ov'd between my miscarriage and the scan, if I did AF could be any day (and we didn't BD as I was feeling so low so I couldn't have gotten pregnant then).
I got my opk's off babymad on ebay so I've got about 30 tests (for about £7) so I don't mind wasting a few.
If you're thinking of charting post a question on the chart stalkers thread in the trying to conceive section, I'm sure the ladies there will be very helpful.
Sorry I didn't mean to post such a large reply!!
Good luck and I hope you'll get a BFP soon
By the way we conceived first month of trying properly, I think it was a combination of getting a strong positive OPK (and BD'ing immediatly), me then having my legs in the air for 20 mins, TMI but making sure I came after him, if you see what I mean
and with christmas coming I was able to keep really busy for the next couple of weeks so didn't have too much time to think and worry if it had worked or not.